January 2012 Minutes
City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
152 W. Rolette St.
Official Minutes January 9th, 2012 City Council Meeting
Attendance: Mayor Warren Hillukka, Council Beverly Burke, John Feldman, Debbie Stanhope and Greg Wilmer.
Present: Attorney Rob Fleming, City Engineer Dan Johnson, Aud. /Adm. Nancy Thompson, Public works Ken Norby& Greg Koropatnicki
Absent: Kyle Dorion and Pat Burton
Others Present: Kathy Johnson/ Pembina New Era
Public Portion:
Regular Meeting: Was called to order by Mayor Hillukka at 6:00 p.m.
2. Changes made to agenda: Motion by Feldman second by Burke to accept changes to agenda. Ayes Feldman, Burke, Wilmer and Stanhope. Absent and not voting Dorion and Burton. Motion carries. Motion by Burke second by Burke to approve December 12th minutes with changes. Ayes Feldman, Burke, Wilmer and Stanhope. Absent and not voting Dorion and Burton. Motion carries.
3. City Engineer /Dan Johnson: a) No pay request this month from contractor .Council reviewed change order #8. Motion by Feldman second by Burke to approve change order # 8. Ayes Feldman, Burke and Stanhope Nays Wilmer. Absent and not voting Dorion and Burton. Motion carries. b) Generator is schedule to be here end of February. There still hasn’t been any contact from Spruce Valley or their insurance company for insurance claim summit by City residents. A letter was sent to Spruce Valley last month from City engineer in regard to the claims. A copy of the letter was also sent to Spruce Valleys bonding company. Council would like City Engineer to follow up with the bonding company on this matter c) Motion by Feldman second by Wilmer to purchase the 9890 line locator from Ferguson water works. Ayes Feldman, Wilmer, Burke and Stanhope. Absent and not voting Dorion and Burton. Motion carries.
4. Attorney: a) Attorney updated Council on unoccupied homes and buildings in town. Motion by Burke second by Feldman to give Brett Corneliusen till May 14th 2012 to get his house up to City code. Roll call vote ayes Wilmer, Feldman, Stanhope, and Burke. Absent and not voting Dorion and Burton. Motion carries. b) Council reviewed letter from North Valley Water (See Attachment).Hearing no motion to modify the contract with North Valley Water the issue died for lack of a motion.
c) Have Ralph Twamley give a quote on the cost to demolish Spot Bar. The State will have to be contacted so they can check for asbestos. Nancy will check with Kathy Lunde to see if there are any grants out there for removal of asbestos.
Motion by Feldman second Burke to haul and bury the demolished spot bar to South Pembina. Ayes Feldman, Burke and Stanhope Nays Wilmer. Absent and not voting Dorion and Burton. Motion carries.
5. Employee Report: a) Feldman would like a monthly vacation and sick leave repot put in the Council packets.
6. Mayor Update: a) Mayor had a few correspondents for council to look at. (See Attachments)
- Aud. /Admin. Update: a) December and End of year financials reviewed and approved b) January bills reviewed and approved.
- Committee Reports
9. Issues-New & Outstanding: a) Council discussed speed limit signs in South Pembina
Motion by Burke to adjourn at 7:35p.m.
By: ___________________________________
Mayor, Warren Hillukka
Attested to: _________________________________
Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator