February 9, 2009 City Council Meeting
Attendance: Mayor Hillukka Council: Kyle Dorion, Pat Burton, Greg Wilmer, Beverly Burke, and Debbie Stanhope, Deputy Auditor Lisa Penn
Absent: John Feldman, Aud./Adm. Nancy Thompson, City Engineer Dan Johnson
Present: PWS Ken Norby & Attorney Larry Dubois
Others Present: Gary & Michelle Helland, Jim & Janine Moris, Dan Anderson, Kevin McGauvran and Karen Nelson
Members of Rodeo Committee in attendance to make council aware of 2009 rodeo status.
Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Hillukka at 6:25 p.m.
1. Changes made to agenda: none
2. Motion by Dorion, second by Wilmer to accept January 28th minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
3. City Attorney Update: a) Larry Dubois reviewed Open Records law and publishing records. b.) gave update on tenant lease situation
4. Engineer Report/Dan Johnson: absent - utility maps tabled until next meeting
5. Employee Report: a) Goals/priorities reviewed. b) Motion by Burton second by Stanhope to fill out application for Economic Stimulus monies. c) get pricing for permanent generator for lift station d) Motion by Dorion second by Stanhope to go forward on loan with CSB to cover meter pit vault costs. Burke abstaining. Ayes. Motion carries. e) table senior meals to review next meeting once more information is received f) table Red Cross Agreement until more information is gathered
6. Mayoral Update: updated council on community center issues, discussed PAL and insurance quotes
7. Aud./Admin. Update: a) Jan financials reviewed and approved. b) Feb bills reviewed and approved.
8. Committee Reports: a) Building and Zoning- Recommendation by committee to add a disclaimer on bottom of building permits. Recommendation is the motion, second by Burton. Motion carries.
9. Issues-New & Outstanding –
10. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 7:50 p.m.
By: Mayor Warren Hillukka
Attested to: Lisa Penn, Deputy Auditor