
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

April 2013 Minutes

City of Pembina

Pembina, North Dakota 58271

152 W. Rolette St.

                                        Official Minutes April 8th, 2013 City Council Meeting


Attendance Council meeting:Mayor Warren Hillukka Council, Bev Burke, Debbie Stanhope, and Greg Truax.

Present: Aud. /Adm. Nancy Thompson and Public works Ken Norby, Attorney Rob Fleming by phone and City Engineer Dan Johnson and Bard Bail

Absent: John Feldman, Greg Wilmer and Dan Waldrop

 Others Present: Greg Koropatnicki

Public Portion:

Regular Meeting: Was called to order by Mayor Hillukka at 6:00 p.m.

2. Motion by Stanhope second by Burke to approve March11th minutes with changes. Ayes Stanhope, Burke and Truax Nays: None. Motion carried.

3. Old Business: a) Discussed Red cross agreement and decided not to sign it. b) Summer help was discussed .City had one application for the job. Motion by Stanhope Second by Truax to hire Brady Koropatnicki on an as needed basis for summer help. Ayes Stanhope, Burke and Truax Nays: None.Absent and not voting Feldman, Wilmer and Waldrop. Motion carries.

c) Dryer vent is done.

4. City Engineer: a) Update on water/ sewer project .Council would like to see the documentation City engineer has on insurance claims summit by city residents to Spruce Valley at next month’s meeting.

5. Attorney: a) Motion by Stanhope Second by Truax that the garage located at 272 W Stutsman’s Street is in a state of disrepair ,and the garage requires demolition the owner has until July 1, 2013 to demolish structure .If the owner Ernie Ruet D’Auteuil doesn’t then the city will demolish the structure . Roll call vote ayes Burke, Truax and Stanhope. Nays none. Absent and not voting Feldman, Wilmer and Waldrop. Motion carries.  Motion by Burke Second by Truax that the building located at 273 W Rolette Street is in a state of disrepair and in need of demolition. The owner Ernie Ruet D’Auteuil has until July 1, 2013 to demolish the structure .If the owner doesn’t then the city will demolish the structure.  Roll call vote ayes Burke, Truax and Stanhope. Nays none. Absent and not voting Feldman, Wilmer and Waldrop. Motion carries.


6. Employee Report: a) City had a plugged sewer and had it jetted to clean out the line.

b) There was vandalism done down at Pembina Court to three garage doors and some of the surrounding soffits.  This will be reported to the Sheriff’s department and the city insurance company.

 7. Mayor Update: a) update on Levee recertification and new Border Patrol station. b) Mayor showed a brochure for a seminar in Fargo May 10th. He would like to see all three employees attend this. . Motion by Stanhope Second by Truax for all three employees to attend the May 10th seminar as long as we aren’t flooding then. Ayes Stanhope, Burke and Truax Nays: None. Absent and not voting Feldman, Wilmer and Waldrop.  Motion carried.

  1. Aud. /Admin. Update:  a) March financials reviewed and approved b) April bills reviewed and approved. 

9. Committee Reports:

10. New Business: Discussed flooding concerns.


Motion by Burke to adjourn at 7:00 p.m.




                                                By: ___________________________________

                                                          Mayor, Warren Hillukka  




Attested to:  _________________________________         


                  Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator