
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

June 28th 2022 Special Meeting

Special Meeting


ROLL CALL:  Jeff Watts, Greg Koropatnicki, Pat Burton, Mike Fitzgerald, Allen Huttunen, Connor Snitker, Ken Norby

ABSENT: none

GUESTS: Brenda Masloski, Rob Fleming


Special meeting called to order by Mike Fitzgerald at 6:27pm


Agenda population – must receive a unanimous vote (per Century Code 40-08-09) to be a councilman and city employee with a population under 500. Must also be a unanimous vote if a councilman were to get paid for a certain job (i.e. snow removal) with a population under 500. Every single instance would have to get approved by the entire council unanimously. Norby motions that the city of Pembina is under 500 in population. Seconded by Huttunen. Roll Call: Watts-aye, Koropatnicki-aye, Burton-aye, Snitker-aye, Norby-aye, Huttunen-aye. All ayes present. Motion carries.


Vote for Public Works Superintendent position – Motion that Koropatnicki should stay on council as he will now be a city employee. Ken motions for Koropatnicki to stay on council, seconded by Watts. Roll call: Watts-aye, Burton-nay, Snitker-nay, Norby-aye, Huttunen-nay. Koropatnicki will need to put in his resignation as a councilman. Snitker motions to accept Koropatnicki’s resignation, seconded by Huttunen. Ken-nay. Motion carries.


Tom Masloski lot/black top repair – blacktop was damaged by sandbags. The city will need to fix it. We can wait until Koropatnicki starts. Make sure this is on the FEMA list.


Adjournment. Motion to adjourn by Norby at 6:55pm



APPROVED BY:                                                                                     

Mike Fitzgerald, Mayor



Debi Stainbrook, City Auditor