
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

Minutes of May 1, 2006 Council Meeting

Attendance: Beverly Burke, Pat Burton, John Feldman, Rick Senum, Mayor Warren Hillukka. Absent: Nancy Thompson, Kyle Dorion

Present: Kathy Johnson, Auditor/Admin., Dan Johnson, WSN

Others present: Gary Helland, Ken Norby, Neil Fleming

Public Hearing called to order at 7:05 p.m., by Mayor Hillukka.

· Helland extension requested.

Regular Meeting called to order at 7:15

1. Changes to agenda: Rental issue under Growth, Signs under Street Committee.

2. Motion by Feldman, second by Burton, to approve all April minutes as printed. Motion carried unanimously.

3. City Attorney Update: 1. Gaustad resigned effective April 4, but his office reports that the buy-out work is progressing. 2. After some discussion, Mayor Hillukka appointed Neil Fleming as city attorney. Motion by Senum, second by Feldman, to accept this appointment. Motion carried unanimously. Fleming accepted under the same terms as Gaustad had served.

4. Employee Report: a) Review of staff and auditor goals/priority lists. b) Flood Committee: Staff to write down suggestions on how to improve flood response, possibly a better definition of duties. c) River Intake Pumps – NDSPS didn’t offer a warranty, Ken to follow up on this. d) Warren will check with Landfill Board re: Clean-up day.

e) Invisimax will be called for a usage study when the new renters are in the building.

f) Auditor to advertise for mosquito spraying contract & mowing. g) TEAM contacted re: weed control

5. Mayor’s Update: a) Landfill has not met. b) Public meeting for Community Center was well attended. c) Flood: S. Pembina dike needs repairs, and Lowell of USACE identified sloughing spots on inside main dike along the south side. Tim Bertshi of CORPS has been contacted; Ken to get estimates.

6. Auditor’s Report: a) April collections/disbursements and general ledgers reviewed & approved. b) May bills to be paid approved. c) Motion by Feldman, second by Burton, to accept the two gaming site permits presented upon receipt of a $50 fee per site. Motion carried unanimously. d) Review of letter re: delinquent Account #237. A reminder that every household in Pembina pays the basic $8.30 fee per month for garbage service, no exceptions. e) Motion by Feldman, second by Senum, to adopt the Pembina New Era as the official city newspaper. Motion carried unanimously.

7. Committee Reports: a) Growth – Motion by Burke, second by Feldman, to grant an extension to July 1, but proof of progress toward relocation must be made. Motion carried unanimously.

b) Building/Zoning – 1. Public hearing held re: subdivision on block 52 & recommended approval. Motion by Burton, second by Burke, to accept the Building/Zoning recommendations to approve the subdivision as applied for. Motion carried unanimously.

c) Recreation Board – did not meet.

d) Forestry Committee submitted potential changes to city tree ordinance. Attorney Fleming will bring these to proper format.

e) Street Committee – Sagging street signs caused by vandalism. Ken will address.

8. Contract needed from WSN re: community center.

9. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 9:15 p.m.

By: Warren Hillukka, Mayor

Attested to: K. Johnson, Auditor/Administrator