July 2016 Minutes
Official Minutes for July 11th, 2016, Pembina City Council Meeting
Council Members Present: Mayor Kyle Dorion, President Ron Fritz, VP Allen Huttunen, Cody Carpenter, Connor Snitker, Corie Koropatnicki and Joan Studeny.
Absent: None
City Employees Present: Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator & PWS Gary Helland
City Attorney Present: Rob Fleming
City Engineer Present – Brad Bail WSN
Public –
Public Portion
Meeting called to order by Mayor Dorion at 6:00 p.m.
Changes to Agenda
Motion by Fritz, second by Snitker to accept the agenda; ayes to all present. Motion carries.
Changes to June 13th & 28th Minutes
Motion by Fritz, second by. Truax to approve June 13th & June 28th minutes; Ayes to all present. Motion carries.
Old Business
- Levee – No update to give.
- Bret Corneliusen –Tabled
- Ernie D’auetuil – Tabled
- Spot Bar- Tabled.
- Daycare items- The Growth Committee has a person interviewing for the daycare this week. The city owns the building and will be leasing it. The daycare will not be a city run daycare.
- Tree Pile – Mr. Fleming has made changes to the lease and just has to send it off for their approval on the changes.
Engineer Report/Brad Bail –
Attorney Update / Rob Fleming
Update & Business: Mayor
- Auditor position – The cut off for this position is Friday July 15th @ 2pm. Mayor will review all applicants and meet with Council on who will be appointed to take over the Auditor position. He has set a special meeting for Friday July 15th to appoint the new Auditor. Ms. Thompson discussed with the Council that she wants the transition for the new Auditor to go as smoothly as possible and is willing to help however she can. The job can be over whelming when you first come into it as the position is more than just doing the city books. The Mayor did stipulate that Ms. Thompson would be paid accordingly for her time.
Employee Report/Concerns
- Culvert– Mr. Bail reviewed the bids from last month and recommends the Council go with Thorlakson to repair the culvert along the west side of south Cavalier St.
Motion by Mr. Fritz,second by Mr. Huttunen to contract Thorlakson to repair the culvert along the west side of south Cavalier St an pay for it out of fund 502 ( Sewer) ; Ayes to all present. Motion carries.
- Ranger / Gator – Mr. Helland discussed with the Council that there are several pieces of old city equipment and other misc. items that the city needs to get rid of. They are not used and taking up room. He’d like to sell those things and use that money to be put toward the purchase of a ranger to use for broadleaf spraying. He ask a few months back for some Councilmembers to come down to the shop and help decide on sale prices for those items. Mayor Dorion suggested that after Friday’s special meeting some of them go down to the shop to help Mr. Helland set sale prices.
- BP ditch – Mr. Helland had Kyle Twamley survey the ditch at the BP station. Council reviewed the graph from Kyle on the grade of the ditch.
- Coulee -Thorlakson is hoping to work on it this week. It’s been delayed due to all the rain we’ve had.
Update & Business: City Auditor
- The June financials and July bills were reviewed and approved.
- Property city purchased from county - Ms. Thompson let council know the city now has the deeds for the 5 properties they purchased from county.
Committee Reports:
New Business
- Speed limit sign – Ms. Studeny discussed with Council how fast the traffic comes through on Stutsman and would like to see a speed limit sigh put up that shows the speed their going. Council agreed it’s a good idea.
o Action – Mr. Helland will check prices on this for the August meeting, for Council to review.
Motion to be adjourned by Mr. Fritz at 7:10pm.
By: ___________________________________
Mayor, Kyle Dorion
Attested to: _________________________________
Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator