
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

Minutes of April 14, 2008 City Council Meeting

Attendance: Mayor Warren Hillukka Council: Beverly Burke, Kyle Dorion, John Feldman, Nancy Thompson, Debbie Stanhope. Absent: none

Present: PWS Ken Norby, Attorney Neil Fleming, Aud./Adm. Kathy Johnson, City Engineer Dan Johnson

Others Present: none

There being no one present for the Public Hearing, the Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Hillukka at 7:00.

1. Changes made to agenda: add Violence and Abuse Center under Mayor’s report and gopher control under employee report.

2. Motion by Feldman, second by Dorion to approve March minutes as corrected. Motion carried unanimously.

3. City Attorney Update: a) Need to clarify a few items for the unfinished GSA water/sewer contract.

b) Fleming advised the council that the city must require Dram Shop insurance of the Golf Course.

4. Employee Report: a) Goals/priorities reviewed. b) Council agreed to advertise for summer help. Ken & Pat will attend mosquito workshop in Grand Forks. Pat will need to take his applicator’s test. c) Council authorized Tom Masloski as an operator for the new loader tractor. d) Council recommends inviting Tower repair salesman to next council meeting. e) Motion by Dorion, second by Feldman to order 5 work shirts each for PW staff, up to $250.00 f) City must have written permission to remove pests from private property. Residents may call the sheriff’s department for a live trap. g) Motion by Feldman, second by Thompson, to order the items requested for the shop. Motion carried unanimously.

5. Mayoral Update: a) Community Center – contractors feel the project is on schedule. b) Motion by Feldman, second by Thompson, to donate $500 from sales tax fund to the regional Violence and Abuse Center. Motion carried unanimously.

6. Aud./Admin. Update: a) Corrected (January and February) and March financials reviewed and approved. b) April bills reviewed and approved. c) Motion by Dorion, second by Burke, to renew the Village Business Institute contract, covering all employees. Motion carried unanimously.

7. Committee Reports: a) Engineer’s report will present a cost proposal to update city maps for next meeting.

b) Growth Cmte: Donation requests recommended: Pembina Volunteer Ambulance $5,000, and $500 to Small Business Development Center. Motion by Feldman, second by Dorion, to approve this Ambulance donation in the amount of $5,000. Motion carried, 100% voting aye. Motion by Thompson, second by

Stanhope, to approve the SBDC donation in the amount of $500. Motion carried, 100% voting aye.

c) Minimal reports were received from the Landfill, Recreation, and Library Boards.

8. New Issues – none

9. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 9:10 p.m.


By: Mayor Warren Hillukka

Attested to: Kathy Johnson, Auditor/Administrator