
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

April 2012 Minutes

City of Pembina

Pembina, North Dakota 58271

152 W. Rolette St.

Official Minutes April 9th, 2012 City Council Meeting



Attendance Council meeting: Mayor Warren Hillukka, Council Kyle Dorion, Beverly Burke, John Feldman and Debbie Stanhope.

Present: Attorney Rob Fleming, Aud. /Adm. Nancy Thompson


Absent: Council Kyle Dorion, Greg Wilmer, City Engineer Dan Johnson and Public works Ken Norby

Others Present: Kathy Johnson for Pembina New Era, Randy and Carol Brintnell, George Christenson, Del Huttunen for Pembina Golf Course and Ron Fritz   

Public Portion: Golf Course was here at the request of the City Council to review the Golf courses current lease with the City .Ron Fritz talked to Council about his concern on the streets being tore up in town. With the weight of semis being driven and parked on streets in town that aren’t made for that kind of weight limit.

Regular Meeting: Was called to order by Mayor Hillukka at 6:10 p.m.

2. Changes made to agenda: Motion by Stanhope second by Burke to accept changes to agenda.  Motion carries. Motion by Stanhope second by Burke to approve March 12th minutes with changes .Motion carried.

3. Old Business:  a) J&R water waste tabled till Mays meeting. Council wants Ken to call and make sure the prices they got from J&R water waste are the most current rate.

4. City Engineer /Dan Johnson: a) absent from meeting but sent Auditor an email .It was pay request #8 from Spruce Valley. Engineer made note that there is a discrepancy on payment #5 the contractor stated that a portion of that payment was not received .Engineer has not be able to verify with Spruce valley where the alleged discrepancy arises. Motion by Stanhope second by Feldman to deny Spruce Valley pay request # 8. Ayes Stanhope, Feldman, and Burke. Nays none. Absent and not voting Dorion, Wilmer. Motion carries. Council well revisit pay request #8 after Engineer verifies the alleged discrepancy b) Auditor is to have Engineer look into weight limits on City streets. Also height and weight limits on South Pembina Bridge.

5. Attorney: a) Motion by Burke second by Feldman to accept the second reading of Ordinance no .2012-01 Roll call vote ayes Stanhope, Feldman, and Burke. Nays none. Absent and not voting Dorion, Wilmer. Motion carries. Motion by Stanhope second by Feldman for Mayor to sign Notice of Redemption on Sales Tax Revenue. Roll call vote ayes Stanhope, Feldman, and Burke. Nays none. Absent and not voting Dorion, Wilmer. Motion carries.

Motion by Burke, second by Stanhope to accept resolution authorizing issuance of sale tax refunding revenue Bonds series 2012.  Roll call vote ayes Feldman, Stanhope, and Burke. Nays-none. Absent and not voting Dorion, Wilmer. Motion carries. Motion by Feldman, second by Burke to accept Ordinance no .2012-01as drafted. Roll call vote ayes Feldman, Stanhope, and Burke. Nays-none. Absent and not voting Dorion, Wilmer. Motion carries.

b) Attorney updated Council on unoccupied homes and buildings in town. c) Discussion was had on the golf club and their current lease .Council decided to go with year to year basis for the Golf club lease instead of the current 5 year lease. Motion by Feldman, second  Stanhope to change the golf clubs yearly lease rate to $1.00 . Roll call vote ayes Feldman, Stanhope, and Burke. Nays-none. Absent and not voting Dorion, Wilmer. Motion carries. Motion by Stanhope second by Burke for the Golf club to pay the Real Estate taxes. Roll call vote ayes, Stanhope and Burke. Nays, Feldman. Absent and not voting Dorion, Wilmer. Motion carries.

d) Council and Attorney discussed Parcel pick up businesses in town and some of the complaints resident have. A special meeting will be had on April 23rd at 7pm .Auditor well send letters out to parcel pick up businesses asking them to attend the meeting.

6. Employee Report:  no report

 7. Mayor Update: a) Let Council know the Corps will be up this Friday for a meeting they will meet at the City office at 9:30 am .b) discussed the agreement between the City and the Corps that he emailed out to Council. Motion by Feldman second by Burke to accept the Memorandum Agreement between the City of Pembina and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Roll call vote ayes Stanhope, Feldman, and Burke. Nays none. Absent and not voting Dorion, Wilmer. Motion carries

  1. Aud. /Admin. Update:  a) March financials reviewed and approved b) April bills reviewed and approved.  
  2. Committee Reports: a) Mayor Hillukka made the following appointment to the Rec board committee Holly Phillips. Motion by Burke second by Stanhope to accept Mayors appointment to the Rec Brd committee. ayes Stanhope, and Burke. Nays none. Feldman abstains, Absent and not voting Dorion, Wilmer. Motion carries



10. Issues-New



Motion by Burke to adjourn at 7:35p.m.




                                                By: ___________________________________

                                                           Mayor, Warren Hillukka 



Attested to:  _________________________________         


                  Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator