
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

July 13, 2009

City of Pembina

Pembina, North Dakota 58271

152 W. Rolette St.

Official Minutes July 13th 2009 City Council Meeting


Attendance: Mayor Warren Hillukka, Council, John Feldman, Kyle Dorion, Beverly Burke, Debbie Stanhope, Pat Burton & Greg Wilmer

Present: PWS Ken Norby, Attorney Neil Fleming, Aud. /Adm. Nancy Thompson, Dan Johnson City Engineer

Public Portion: 6:00 pm Nick & Crystal Volk here for water drainage problem by Northland Insurance building & Chale’s keytrol

Regular meeting called to order by Mayor Hillukka at 6:05.

1. Changes made to agenda: Under new & outstanding add new computers for office.  Motion by Feldman, second by Dorion to accept changes to agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Feldman, second by Dorion to approve June minutes with changes under 4.a after ”barriers” add “from Valley Crete” and under 8 d. before “IAM” add MCI and after  “meeting” add” Community Center”.  Motion carried.

2. City Engineer /Dan Johnson: a) discussed lagoon survey contract and will look at draining problem at Northland insurance building and adjacent properties.

3. City Attorney Update: a) Inquiring if the city has heard anything on replacement of deputy. b) “Dike road”- there will be a hearing around the 10th or 11th of August .

4. Employee Report: a) Motion by Feldman second by Burton to sell City property lots 10-13 on blk 47 for the back taxes and special assessments that are owed on property. Motion Carries. b) Motion by Burton second by Feldman to give golf course lagoon mixers. Motion Carries c) Tractor needs a clutch on air conditioner 

5. Mayor Update:  a) Chuck Walker has resigned from the Valley Landfill committee, Mayor has appointed Hetty Walker to fill his position on the Committee. b) Updated council on HDR Engineering 

 6.   Aud. /Admin. Update:  a) June Financials reviewed and approved b) July bills reviewed and approved c) issues with garages at Pembina court were discussed.

7.  Committee Reports : No reports at this time

8. New Issues: a) Motion by Feldman second by Wilmer to purchase and set up new computers for the city office with a $1,500 limit. Motion Carries.

9.  Motion to adjourn by Burke at 7:23 p.m.


By:  Mayor, Warren Hillukka


Attested to:Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator