City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
Minutes of May 6, 2002 Council Meeting
Attendance: Council: Wayne Schafer, Richard Senum, Beverly Burke, Warren Hillukka, Thomas Manley, John Feldman, Mayor Pat Burton.
Present: City Attorney Neil Fleming, K. Johnson, Aud./Adm.
Others Present: Ron French, city engineer; Gary Helland, Ken Norby, & Rodeo Delegation consisting of Karen Nelson, Jim Morris, Kevin McGauvern, and Jr. Fiebing.
Public Hearing called to order at 7:05 by Mayor Pat Burton.
1. Drayton Curling Club letter request. Motion by Feldman, Second by Senum, to approve the Curling Club gaming site for the upcoming year. Motion carried, 100% voting aye.
2. Ron French – Discussion of various ditches and culverts to be cleaned. Would like more information about the water plant to address sludge pond issue, and recommended Ken attend the upcoming MNWWA conference in Fargo. Stated that typically, when streets are disturbed for various reasons, the contractor must pack the ground properly for a patch, or the property-owner will pay for street repair.
Regular Meeting called to order 7:25 P.M.
1. Changes made to agenda – speed bumps, open burning, cemetery request, health complaints.
2. Motion by Senum, second by Burke, to approve April minutes as read. Motion carried.
3. No Judges Report.
4. City Attorney Update: a) Research on Attorney General’s opinions has revealed two conflicting opinions regarding the number of votes needed to be elected in an open ballot, as this could be an issue in the city’s upcoming election. b) City must include the City Judge position on the ballot. To abolish this position will take an ordinance plus the approval of the County and District courts. Motion by Feldman, second by Senum, to direct Attorney to begin procedures necessary to abolish the office of City Judge. Motion carried. c) Question of Payment in Lieu of Taxes will go to the Attorney General about May 7.
5. Employee Report: a) Tractor: Bids opened. Motion by Hillukka, second by Schafer, to accept highest bid by Gary Easter of $3,500 for tractor and $500 for sickle mower. 100% Aye. b) Fence: Bids presented. Motion by Feldman, second by Senum, to accept lowest bid by American Fencing of $12,295, installed with wider gates. 100% Aye. c) Ditch request had been discussed with Engineer French; city crews to handle. d) Discussion of beautification efforts – former volunteers have been burned out. Suggestion of Neche Greenhouse doing an overall plan for Stutsman St. and checking with Otesco, a company that does commercial/historical lighting projects. Also suggested local competition for businesses—auditor to arrange. e) Mosquito spraying: City owns a sprayer which is not the same as a fogger. Mayor to conduct fogging again this year, with policy of not beginning until after 9 p.m. except for specials occasions (i.e. street dance, ball games in S. Pembina). Ken to order 55 gal. drum of chemical. f) Request for water appropriations from Wesley Argue and Russel Edgar (Carlisle Farms) noted. Water board will investigate. City Administrator directed to monitor and attend public hearings.
6. Mayoral Update: Rodeo Committee seeking assistance as funds are tight. Would like to expand to additional events during the summer. Attorney suggested contacting Pembina County Saddle Club. Rodeo will be applying for raffle permit. Motion by Feldman, second by Hillukka, to approve a street dance on Saturday, Aug. 17. during the Rodeo, roping off street at 4 p.m. Motion carried.
7. Aud./Adm. Update: a) April General ledger, budget ratio, collections/disbursements and May bills to be paid presented; financials approved. b) Correction to Money Market needs more research. c) Open House planned; retirement package needing more research. d) Plans to move office are proceeding, hope for June date.
8. Committee reports: a) Recreation Board: Looking at playground equipment for S. Pembina. Needing property deeds for grant application. Motion by Feldman, second by Manley, directing City Administrator to work with Attorney to secure the proper deeds. Motion carried. Board still working on camp sites and wheeled rodeo. Next meeting May 16.
b) Growth: Web site and Renaissance Zone are major projects. Next meeting May 28.
c) Streets: Ken & City Admin. Directed to write ordinance on repair and truck route issue.
9. Issues: a) Health Complaint – Contact County Health Dept. for inspection. b) Put notice in paper concerning “Open Burning” c) cemetery request for assistance with cost of moving fence from old museum to Veteran’s memorial in N. Pembina cemetery was approved. Expenses should be minor. d) Motion by Feldman, second by Hillukka, to order speed bumps for S. Pembina. e) The Golf Course sent in a report which was read to the council.
10. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 10:50 p.m.
By: Pat Burton, Mayor
Attested to: K. Johnson, City Aud/Adm