City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
Minutes of June 2, 2003 Council Meeting
Attendance: Council: Richard Senum, Beverly Burke, Melissa Grafe, John Feldman, Larry Pelletier, Mayor Warren Hillukka. Absent: Jeff Carpenter
Present: City Attorney Neil Fleming, K. Johnson, Aud./Adm.
Others Present: Erik Myhre, Ken Norby, Gary Helland, Chris Benson, Dan Johnson of WSN, Ron Monette, Larry and Margaret Wilwant, Darrel Warner, Jim Karas, Charles Walker, Gene Warner, Dean Warner, Dena Grube, Betty Hart, Roger Seed, Everett Hughes, Chuck Hughes, Curt Seed, Fred Hughes.
Public Hearing called to order at 7:03 by Mayor Hillukka.
Speed Bumps – Darrel Warner, Dena Grube, Charles Walker, Gene Warner, and Dean Warner all expressed concerns about the number, height, and reflectivity of speed bumps placed in South Pembina. Motion by Feldman, second by Pelletier, to remove the bumps until a better plan can be brought forward. Senum opposed. Motion carried. Mayor Hillukka referred this to the street committee.·
Petition to amend zoning on Block 15 to Industrial – The Zoning Commission held a Public Hearing of June 1, which was recapped by chairman Feldman. Upon discussing the response of the public hearing, they recommend that the Council deny the petition. Upon further public comments and discussion by the Council, a vote was taken. Motion to deny the petition was unanimously accepted. ·
Jim Karas stated that the Pembina Masonic Lodge is disbanding. When they hear from the Grand Lodge, they will request that the city maintain the building as a museum. ·
Ron Monette reported that upon running the generator at the school, the voltage regulator died. Cost to replace this part could range from $1,500 to $2,500, but the generator is useless without it. The Fire Department’s generator could be converted to work the city’s lift station and pump house, and still allow generation at Fire Dept. Council agreed to continue forward with these projects through Project Impact.·
Dan Johnson (Widseth Smith and Nolting) was present regarding their proposal on the water plant. He stated there would be 3 to 4 weeks from acceptance of the proposal to start time. An initial report would take about 60 days to complete. Water testing will be done at two locations monthly, with the State Dept. of Health directing this. ·
Dean Warner proposed purchase of a smaller tractor with front mount mowing deck as a replacement for the 4200 John Deere. Much demand on mowers, and we’ve received a number of compliments on South Pembina this year. Staff will check into this further.Regular Meeting called to order 7:50 P.M.
1. Changes made to agenda—Auditor directed to send letters regarding vegetation nuisance.
2. Motion by Feldman, second by burke to approve May minutes as corrected. Motion carried.
3. City Attorney Update: a) Served notice June 2 to Aurora Loan Services re. lien for rent and taxes due on former Roy trailer. b) Playground – had conference call with Oulette. Churchich will no longer do business with Northland Financial. Recommends we write the final check to Loan and Churchich.
4. Employee Report: a) Goals/Priority sheets reviewed. b) Would like to keep second youth employed, as we are mowing more property. Motion by Feldman, second by Senum, to increase Doug’s pay by $.25/hr. Motion carried. Council agreed to keep Norby as second youth employee. c) Yearly review of Dikes is being done without city staff present. Dike also needs to be surveyed this year. Ken & Auditor to address these issues. d) Mosquito spraying being done by volunteers. They spend 3-4 hours/night and have been going out several times per week. Council directed volunteers to continue to the best of their ability. City provides the equipment and chemical.
5. Mayoral Update: a) Thanks to zoning committee for a job well done. b) Street sealing needs to be done. Mayor will contact engineer at KBM for advice. c) Motion by Feldman to accept Resolution to accept Local Emergency Management Operations Plan, seconded by Senum. Upon vote, Pelletier opposed. Motion carried. d) Mayor recommends the Council wait on accepting a water operations proposal, pending further research of options including chlorine dioxide and aeration. Other updates in addition to TTHM reduction will also need to be made.
6. Aud./Adm. Update: a) May General ledger, budget ratio, collections/disbursements and June bills to be paid presented. Financials approved. b) Motion by Feldman, second by Burke, to approve work proposed by ND Sewage Pump Lift Station Service on raw water intake. Motion carried, 100% voting aye. c) Motion by Feldman, second by Grafe, to accept Wilwand’s request to fence off the Community Center grounds for their wedding dance, on the condition they follow up with the sheriff’s department regarding the change. Motion carried, 100% voting aye. d) Motion by Feldman, second by Grafe, to supply culverts for both ditches owned by Trade ‘N Post provided that Wilwand pay for installation, dirt, and finish work with engineer. Motion carried, 100% voting aye. e) Sales Tax collection contract from State discussed; suggested to approve contract in the same manner as last biennium.
7. Committee reports: a) Recreation Board: Planning June 27 & 28 Buffalo Days, with barn dance, T-Ball and other games and fireworks. Loeffler Sand and Gravel is willing to donate sand for the volleyball court, but we must find trucking for it. b) Growth: met May 27. c) Forestry: continuing work on grant in S. Pembina.
10. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 10:20 p.m.
By: Warren Hillukka, Mayor
Attested to: K. Johnson, City Aud/Adm