City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
Mayor Warren Hillukka, Council: Beverly Burke, John Feldman, Nancy Thompson, Debbie Stanhope.
Absent: Richard Senum, Kyle Dorion
Present: Engineer Dan Johnson, City Attorney Neil Fleming
Others Present: Ken Norby, Kathy Johnson, Gordon Johnson of North Valley RWS
Public Hearing called to order at 7:05 p.m., by Mayor Hillukka.
Gordon J updated the council on the water service connection project. There are two details left (a leaking mechanical seal and the painting). Tower levels are now set. Will also be looking into an automatic power restore in case the power is out and the tower calls for a fill.-
Lisa Penn asked for speed bumps at 5th and Hayden. No action taken. -
A request was shared from the school to consider cleaning snow off their parking lot. Tabled.
Regular Meeting called to order at 7:20.
1. Changes made to agenda – Add Volk & O’Hara under building & zoning; street closure under Rec. Bd.
2. Motion by Thompson, second by Burke to approve July minutes as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
3. City Attorney Update: a) Auditor’s bond is set in June. b) Reported dike lawsuit is scheduled for pre-trial in December or January. Neche has joined the suit, City of Walhalla dropped out. c) Could file disciplinary action in ’97 FEMA project. d) Write "final payment" to both entities on playground equipment. e) Should renegotiate Border water contract & audit GSA accounts.
4. Employee Report: a) Goals/priorities reviewed. b) FEMA categories A & B completed. Lagoon is awaiting final approval. County submitted Pembina River bridge for repair. c) Ken reported bids on: mower - recommends trade-in 4200 for a 2530 mower and purchase a smaller used unit with bagger; Sweeper - demo scheduled Aug. 8, major replacement parts are about $5,000, & a trade-in for new would allow $22,000 now; Loader to replace blade? Sweeper is most critical now in Ken’s opinion. d) Purple loosestrife – Public works directed to control on city property e) Flags for Prof. Building tabled.
5. Mayoral Update: a) Community center architect met with 4 groups to further identify needs/wants in critical areas. Bremer grant mailed, & businesses to be approached next. b) Review of correspondence – do we want a flow test on hydrants for insurance purposes?
6. Aud./Admin. Update: a) July financials and Aug. bills reviewed and approved. b) Water Audit – High priority for staff to get all meters replaced that are not working.
7. Committee Reports: a) Planning Zoning – O’Hara will request variance on garage. Non-vacated road right-of-way cannot be sold. b) Growth – motel on Mr. Sand’s schedule c) Rec. Bd. –The Health Dept. did second review. RV dump site needed. Motion by Feldman, second by Thompson, to close Beaupre Street from 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. for the street dance. Motion carried unanimously.
8. Morrison’s 4200 mowing Tractor bid reviewed. Ken to get more information on mowers, snow removal & about moving the coin water.
9. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 9:15 p.m.
By: Mayor Warren Hillukka
Attested to: Kathy Johnson, Auditor/Administrator