
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

February 2013 Minutes

City of Pembina

Pembina, North Dakota 58271

152 W. Rolette St.

 Official Minutes February 11th, 2013 City Council Meeting & Abatement Hearing


Attendance Abatement hearing: Mayor Warren Hillukka, Council, John Feldman, Deb Stanhope, Greg Truax,and Aud. /Adm. Nancy Thompson.

Absent: Attorney Rob Fleming, Greg Wilmer, Dan Waldrop and Bev Burke.

 Abatement hearing: called to order at 5:45p.m. Public present for hearing were Dean Warner and Jennifer Grube. Council reviewed the Applications for abatement that Dean Warner and Jennifer Grube filled out.  Council looked at documentation given by City Tax Assessor Zelda Hartje regarding the properties that an Abatement application was filed. Motion by Feldman second by Stanhope to deny the abatement application for Dean Warner.Ayes Feldman, Truax and Stanhope. Absent and not voting Waldrop, Wilmer and Burke. Motion carried.  Motion by Feldman second by Stanhope to approve the abatement application for Jennifer Grube .Ayes Feldman, Truax, and Stanhope. Absent and not voting Waldrop, Wilmer and Burke. Motion carried. Absent and not voting Waldrop, Wilmer and Burke. Motion carried.  

 Hearing adjourned at 6:00p.m


Attendance Council meeting: Mayor Warren Hillukka, Council, John Feldman, Dan Waldrop, Debbie Stanhope, Greg Wilmer and Greg Truax.

Present: Aud. /Adm. Nancy Thompson and Public works Ken Norby  

Absent: Beverly Burke, Attorney Rob Fleming and City Engineer Dan Johnson

 Others Present:

Public Portion:

Regular Meeting: Was called to order by Mayor Hillukka at 6:00 p.m.

2. Motion by Feldman second by Wilmer to approve January14th minutes with changes and January 24th minutes. Ayes Stanhope, Waldrop, Feldman, Wilmer and Truax Nays: None.Absent and not voting Burke. Motion carried.

3. Old Business: a) no old business.

4. City Engineer: a) Absent  

5. Attorney: a) Motionby Feldman second by Stanhope to accept the second reading to amend Chapter 9 Article21 of the Revised Ordinance (See attached Ordinance )Roll call vote Ayes Waldrop, Feldman, Wilmer, Truax and Stanhope. Nays: none.Absent and not voting Burke. Motion carried. b) Motion by Feldman second by Stanhope to adopt financing Resolution for city 2010 water improvement project. Roll call vote ayes Feldman, Truax, Wilmer, Stanhope, and Waldrop. Nays none. Absent and not voting Burke. Motion carries.

6. Employee Report: a) Ken let Council know that the CORP has a conference call set for March 5th at 9: 30 a.m.to go over the levee report. Feldman ask Ken if he could see if the conference call can be changed to Friday March 8th b) there’s a mosquito clinic in Grand Forks on March 15th .Ken and Greg will both attend this. The loader lease is up in October. In August a new loader will need to be order. c) Auditor let council know that the dryer vent needs to be vent outside. Truax and Wilmer will look at this and see if it’s something they can do.

 7. Mayor Update: a) Update on levee b) Update on new Border Patrol station.

  1. Aud. /Admin. Update:  a) January financials and end of year financials reviewed and approved b) February bills reviewed and approved.  
  2.  Committee Reports:

10. New Business:

Motion by Feldman to adjourn at 6:50 p.m.




                                                By: ___________________________________

                                                          Mayor, Warren Hillukka   



Attested to:  _________________________________         


                  Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator