City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
Minutes of Sept. 8, 2003 Council Meeting
Attendance: Council: Richard Senum, Beverly Burke, Larry Pelletier, John Feldman, Mayor Warren Hillukka. Absent: Jeff Carpenter
Present: City Attorney Neil Fleming, K. Johnson, Aud./Adm.
Others Present: Peter Hombach, Tom Hanson, Gordon Johnson, Dan Symington, Ken Norby, Gary Helland
Public Hearing called to order at 7:05 by Mayor Hillukka.
Symington – has a water leak on the line on his property. Questioned if this was city main. Auditor directed to research minutes and maps for easement or agreement. ·
Hombach - presented report considering conversion of the water plant to chlorine dioxide, attached. Offered free trial period. ·
G. Johnson – presented further proposal from North Valley Water Users, attached. ·
Hanson (Webster, Foster, Weston) – Offered to do complete report on water options, to be finished in 2-3 months. Motion by Feldman, second by Senum, to have WFW produce analysis. Motion carried. WFW also got a call from Gov’t. Services Admin. Re: water pressure at border. Will assist Ken to check air release and other pertinent factors.Regular Meeting called to order 8:30 P.M.
1. Changes made to agenda—Vegetation nuisance; auditor to send letter. Meeting with Motel developer, Duane Sand.
2. Motion by Rick Senum, second by Burke to approve Aug. minutes as corrected. Motion carried.
3. City Attorney Update: a) Second reading of change to Zoning, adding a definition for light industrial as a conditionally permitted use in a commercial zone. Motion by Senum, second by Pelletier, to approve amendment. Opposed by Feldman, the motion carried. b) Bids opened for trailer. Motion by Feldman, second by Burke, to accept Mike Ohmann’s bid of $2,075.00. Motion carried. Fleming will proceed with deed transfer. c) The Pembina County Water Board is taking the "road" dike along the Canadian border into Canadian Court. Pembina Co. Commissioners have agreed to work with water board. Meeting with lawyers will be Sept. 12 at 9 a.m. at the museum.
4. Employee Report: a) Goals/Priority lists reviewed. Additions included correction of drainage at intersection of 5th & Rolette, advertising evergreens, and limbs in S. Pembina. b) Discussion of repair of dike wall: map is inaccurate and incomplete. Four places need water seal installation, but report from Corps of Engineers is still not received. c) Auditor ordered to write letter to E. Free Church regarding ditch issue. Correction will need to be approved by an engineer. d) Gary reported on mosquito spraying. Motion by Senum, second by Feldman, to pay $725 as a bonus for his volunteer time. Motion carried. e) State will come Sept. 17th for annual inspection of water plant.
5. Mayor’s Report: a) Roofing bids opened. Auditor directed to check with contractors regarding gauge of steel for each bid. If bids are the same gauge, award to the lowest bidder. b) Duane Sand will meet with Growth Committee Wed., Sept. 17th. Council invited to attend. c) Recommended Pat Burton as replacement for M. Grafe on council. Motion by Feldman, second by Senum, to accept this appointment. Motion carried. d) Received letter from MCI regarding potential layoffs, following Warren Act.
6. Aud./Adm. Update: a) August General ledger, budget ratio, collections/disbursements and September bills to be paid presented. Financials approved. b) Budget meeting set for Sept. 24 @ 5:30. c) Proposal for tree removal referred to Shade Tree Cmte. d) School requested storage unit, but would like a reduced rate. Referred to Growth Cmte.
7. Committee reports: a) Recreation: No meeting held in August. Need more members.
b) Growth: Besides motel, are working toward tourism brochure.
c) Forestry: Meeting held, budget approved. Will finalize CTE grant this month.
8. Issues: addressed above.
9. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 10:45 p.m.
By: Warren Hillukka, Mayor
Attested to: K. Johnson, City Aud/Adm