April 2012 Special Meeting
City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
152. W Rolette St.
Official Special Meeting Minutes April 23rd, 2012 City Council Meeting
Attendance: Mayor Warren Hillukka, Council Beverly Burke, Debbie Stanhope & Kyle Dorion
Absent: Greg Wilmer, John Feldman, PWS Ken Norby
Present: Aud. /Adm. Nancy Thompson, City Attorney Rob Fleming
Others Present: Deb Weigel, Ron Fritzfor semi parking on resident streets .Parcel picks -up business owners and employees here at request of City Council: Mike & Karen Ohman, Mason Peter, Kris Wilwant, Amy Smith, Wayne O’Hara
Terry & Tom Nord, Tom Masloski, Gary Helland & Roger Seed.
Special Meeting was called to order by Mayor Warren Hillukka 7:00p.m
Mayor Hillukka addressed the Parcel owner’s .He let them know that there have been complaints from resident about Parking, traffic, garbage ect. these are just a few of the complaints resident are having about the Parcel customers.
The Council would like to work with the Parcel owners to come up with some kind of solution. Council and Parcel owners and employees discussed different solution ideas. The solutions that were decide on are
- Speed bumps will be put in at south Pembina and some kind of posts will be put in on the grass side of road so they can’t drive around the speed bumps along with pedestrian signs.
- 4-way stop at the corner of 2nd street and Stutsman along with painted cross walk with posted pedestrian signs.
- Parcel owners will have a dumpster for their customers to use. They will let customers know to dispose of garbage and boxes in there dumpster.
- No overnight parking signs will be posted.
Semi’s parking and driving down residential streets was discussed .City attorney let public know that City engineer is looking into the weight limits on City streets along with height & weight limits on South Pembina Bridge. As soon as the weight limits are known they will be posted in the paper .Weight limit signs will go up on some City streets.
Council discussed if they should proceed with the removal of asbestos and demolition of Spot bar .What the City pays to have done for the Spot Bar will be asset back to the Spot Bars property Taxes. Motion by Dorion second by Burke to proceed with the removal of asbestos from Spot Bar. All present ayes .Motion carries. Mayor gave update on Border Patrol Station.
Mayor let Council know he received the signed funding agreement from the CORP. Motion by Dorion second by Stanhope to Pay Funding agreement with the CORP. Roll call vote ayes Dorion, Stanhope, and Burke. Nays-none. Absent and not voting Feldman and Wilmer. Motion carries.
Motion by Burke to adjourn at 8:30p.m
By: ___________________________________
Mayor, Warren Hillukka
Attested to: _________________________________
Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator