City of Pembina Snow Removal Ordinances and rulings:
In North Dakota, it is illegal to shovel or blow snow from driveways and sidewalks onto city streets.
Make sure to place snow from sidewalks and driveways in your own yard or boulevard. Be aware of visibility issues that may be created if snow is piled on the boulevard: for yourself and/or your neighbors. Do not place snow in the street; residents or businesses who do so may face a fine up to $500.
3.0210 Removal of Snow and Ice from Sidewalk
It shall be, and hereby is declared to be, the duty of the owner or occupant of each lot in the City to remove from the sidewalk in front of or along the same, any ice or snow which forms, accumulates or obstructs such sidewalk, within twenty-four (24) hours after the ice forms or the snow ceases to fall thereon. Where the ice accumulated is of such character as to make the removal thereof practically impossible, the sprinkling of ashes or sand thereon within the time specified for removal in such manner as to make such sidewalk safe for the travel of pedestrians thereon, shall be deemed a compliance with the provisions of this article.
3.0211 Removal of Snow and Ice by City
In case the owner of any lot in the City refuses or neglects to remove such ice and snow from the sidewalk in front of or along a lot therein, within the same time above stated or refuses to sprinkle ashes or sand on the same within the time specified for removal in such manner as to make such sidewalk safe for travel of pedestrians thereon, the same may be removed by or under the direction of the city engineer or street superintendent of the City, or ashes or sand sprinkled thereon, and the necessary expenses shall be charged against the abutting property by special assessment in the manner prescribed by law. (Source: North Dakota Century Code section 40-29-18)
3.0212 Assessments by Street Superintendent When Work is Done by City
Whenever the street superintendent shall, pursuant to Section 3.0211 of this article, remove or cause to be removed any snow or ice from any sidewalk or sidewalks along or in front of any building, grounds or premises, the street superintendent shall assess the cost of the same against said property, and on or before the first day of May in each year, make and file in the office of the city auditor a list showing separately the amount chargeable and assessed against each lot and tract and stating the name of the owner of each lot or tract as known to the street superintendent. (Source: North Dakota Century Code section 40-29-18)
3.0213 Snow and Ice Removal Assessments, Publication by Auditor, Hearing by City Governing Board The city auditor shall give notice by publication in the official newspaper of the hearing and confirmation of such report and assessment at the regular June meeting of the City governing board, notifying all persons objecting thereto to appear and present their objections. The notice shall be published once each week for two (2) consecutive weeks, the last publication to be not less than eight (8) days before the date fixed for the hearing. At the June meeting of the City governing board or at such later meeting as the hearing and confirmation of such assessment may be adjourned to, the City governing board shall consider said assessment and shall hear any objections thereto or to any part thereof, and after revising and correcting the same, if necessary, it shall approve and confirm the list. The city auditor shall attach to such list the city auditor’s certificate that the same is correct as confirmed by the City governing board and shall file the same in the city auditor’s office. The assessment shall be certified to the county auditor by the city auditor in the manner provided in section 40-24-11 of the North Dakota Century Code. (Source: North Dakota Century Code section 40-29-19, 40- 29-20)
3.0214 Street Cleaning - Snow Removal Whenever, in the judgment of the governing body or the city engineer or street superintendent of the City, it shall be necessary that streets, alleys or public ways in the City shall be cleared of snow or ice or be cleaned by the use of street sweepers or other methods of cleaning such streets, or for marking for traffic purposes, the ordinances of the City regulating the parking of automobiles, trucks and other motor vehicles shall be suspended and it shall be unlawful for any automobile, truck or other motor vehicle to be parked or left standing between the hours hereinafter mentioned and during the period of time during which the said parking ordinances are suspended.
3.0215 Notice - Snow Removal or Street Cleaning Whenever it becomes necessary to remove snow or ice or to sweep and clean streets, or to mark streets for traffic purposes in the City there shall be designated by the city engineer or street superintendent the area and streets to be cleared, cleaned or marked and the time during which such activity will be done by the posting of such information in the area affected or some other means of public notice..