August 2016 Minutes
Official Minutes for August 8th, 2016, Pembina City Council Meeting
Council Members Present: Mayor Kyle Dorion, President Ron Fritz, VP Allen Huttunen, Cody Carpenter, Connor Snitker and Corie Koropatnicki.
Absent: Joan Studeny
City Employees Present: Lisa Plante, Auditor/Administrator & PWS Gary Helland
City Attorney Present: Rob Fleming
City Engineer Present – Brad Bail WSN and Randy Knott HDR
Public – Ernie Ruet D’auetuil
Public Portion
No one present at 6 p.m.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Dorion at 6:00 p.m.
Changes to Agenda
Add Flood Workshop under Auditor, add Streets under Employees and add Rec Board and Building/Zoning under Committees. Motion by Fritz, second by Snitker to accept the changes to agenda; ayes to all present. Motion carries.
Motion by Fritz, second by. Snitker to approve July 15th special meeting minutes; Ayes to all present. Motion carries.
Old Business
- Levee – Randy from HDR presented update on levee. Informed council what the Corp of Engineers need for us to have done. Motion by Snitker second by Huttunen to clean out Gatewell E; ayes to all present. Motion carries. Motion by Huttunen second by Snitker to camera the gates specified by the Corp of Engineers; ayes to all present. Motion carries.
- Bret Corneliusen –Tabled
- Ernie D’auetuil – Tabled
- Spot Bar- Tabled.
- Daycare items- Koropatnicki updated on the progress. Also, informed council a grant from Polar Communications was awarded.
Engineer Report/Brad Bail –
Nothing to update at this time.
Attorney Update / Rob Fleming-
Gave update on condemning houses. Waiting on report from inspector. Lease for daycare was redrafted and signed.
Update & Business: Mayor
Nothing at this time.
Employee Report/Concerns
- Culvert– Thoralkson is working on as weather permits.
- Boat ramp – Discussion was had on the upkeep/cleaning of boat ramp. Council suggested that the Rec Board put the cleaning of the boat ramp up for bids.
- BP ditch – Work on BP ditch on hold pending answer from BP headquarters
- Coulee –Mr. Helland stated this has been completed from 6th Street to 3rd Street.
- Summer help- They were done Friday August 5th.
- Streets- The crack filling is being worked on as weather permits. Corners around town where people are cutting them short need to be filled in. These are being repaired continuously.
Update & Business: City Auditor
- The July financials and August bills were reviewed and approved.
- PWS Assistant open position - Ms. Plante let council know the city she had received an application from an interested party for this open position. Motion by Huttunen second by Snitker to run an ad for one week for part-time Public Works Assistant. Vote ayes: Huttunen, Fritz, Koropatnicki and Snitker. Nayes: None. Carpenter abstains. Absent and not voting Studney. Motion carries.
- NDLC Annual Conference- Council needs to let Ms. Plante know before August 31st if wish to attend.
- Street Closure- Ambulance requested to close 2nd Street for their Back to School Bash. Motion by Huttunen second by Fritz to close 2nd Street from South of alley by Ambulance shed to corner of 2nd St and Rolette St on August 20th for duration of event. Ayes: all present Nayes: none Absent and not voting Studney
- Ford truck- Offer to purchase the Ford truck was received from Greg Fritz. Motion by Huttunen second by Snitker since the value is less than $2500.00 recommend to accept the bid from Greg Fritz to purchase the Ford truck. Ayes: all present. Nayes: none. Fritz abstains. Absent and not voting Studney
Committee Reports:
- Rec Bd- Fish grinder is in and operational. RV dump behind campground bathroom needs work
- Building/Zoning- Becky Volk wants to put garage on back SE corner of rental property at 152 Ramsey Street. Committee will look into it.
New Business
Motion to be adjourned by Mr. Fritz at 6:55 p.m.
By: ___________________________________
Mayor, Kyle Dorion
Attested to: _________________________________
Lisa Plante, Auditor/Administrator