
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

City of Pembina

Pembina, North Dakota 58271


Minutes of Jan. 5, 2004 Council Meeting




Attendance:  Council:  Richard Senum, Beverly Burke, Larry Pelletier, Jeff Carpenter, John Feldman, Pat Burton, Mayor Warren Hillukka.  Absent:  none

Present: City Attorney Neil Fleming, K. Johnson, Aud./Adm.

Others Present: Peter Wasberg, Chris Benson, Ken Norby, Gary Wilke, Sharon and Norman Brandt, Karen Johnson


Public Hearing called to order at 7:06 by Mayor Hillukka.

  • Peter Wasberg of Otter Tail Power Company requested the second reading of the new franchise agreement.  Motion by Burton, second by Senum, to hold second reading.  Motion carried unanimously.  Motion by Burton, second by Senum, to approve the franchise agreement with Otter Tail Power Company as presented.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Regular Meeting called to order at 7:15 P.M.  

1. Changes to agenda – Auditor directed to notify snowmobile operators of city regulations.  Snowpiles will be removed as time permits.

2. Motion by Burton, second by Carpenter, to approve December minutes. Motion carried unanimously.  

3. City Attorney Update:  a) Golf Course - Research reveals that the council can use sales tax funds to preserve property.  Representatives from the Golf Course presented a comparison financial report for the past two years.  They are looking for a long-term solution to their bank loan.  Motion by Feldman, second by Burton, to pay up to $2,000.00 from sales tax to finish paying off the 2003 loan

installment.  Motion carried unanimously. (Actual amount was $1,903.99)  b) Roy trailer is settled.  c)  Fleming attended meeting regarding MCI.  He believes there is basis for legal pressure.

4.  Employee Report:  a)  Goals/priority lists reviewed. Ken spent 26 hours on snow removal over the weekend.  Motion by Feldman, second by Burton, to give a $50 gift certificate to Gerry’s Foods to Curt Seed for his assistance with snow removal Jan. 4.  Motion carried unanimously. Staff and volunteers commended on the good job of snow removal this past weekend. b) Motion by Senum, second by Burton, to send Shelli to the Microsoft Office workshop being held in Grand Forks.  Motion carried unanimously.  c)  Motion by Senum, second by Burke, to allow Pembina Volunteer Ambulance to convert the old library area into a second stall under the conditions that storage for city items be made available, access to coin water is not impeded, and the Ambulance pay for remodeling costs. Motion carried unanimously.  d)  Auditor reported on the State Auditor’s communication.  December’s ledger shows their corrections.

5.  Mayor’s Report:  a) Motion by Feldman, second by Burton, to approve the resolution adopting the Pembina County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan. Motion carried unanimously.   b)  Auditor will set up a special meeting with WFW for the 15th or 21st at 7 p.m.  c)  Motion by Senum, second by Pelletier, to forgive the penalties and interest on special assements for parcel # 33-3050140 (Moris property) as requested, on the condition that the property taxes and specials be fully paid up to date.  Motion carried unanimously.

6. Aud./Adm. Update:  a) December collections/disbursements, general ledger, and budget ratio reviewed and approved.  b)  Motion by Feldman, second by Senum, to amend the 2003 budget to actual.  Motion carried unanimously.  c)  Motion by Feldman, second by Burton, to purchase 4 turkeys for Santa Day 2003. Motion carried unanimously.   d)  Motion by Burton, second by Feldman, to pay all bills presented except the WFW bill for border station work.  Motion carried unanimously.  e)  Motion by Burton, second by Feldman, to approve the pledge of securities provided by Citizen State Bank as of Dec. 31, 2003.  Motion carried unanimously.  f)  Motion by Senum, second by Burton, to amend the Nov. 3, 2003 minutes to reflect an approved value of $15,000 for the Long abatement.

7.  Committee Reports:  no meetings held for recreation, growth or personnel committees.  

8.  Motion to adjourn by Burke at 9:30 p.m.



        By:    Warren Hillukka, Mayor

Attested to: K. Johnson, City Aud/Adm