December 2014 Minutes
Official Minutes December 8th, 2014 City Council Meeting
Council Members Present: Mayor Kyle Dorion, Corie Koropatnicki, Allen Huttunen, Council VP Greg Truax, Ron Fritz
Absent: President Greg Wilmer, Dan Waldrop
City Employees Present: Gary Helland, Public Works Superintendent
Absent: Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator
City Attorney Present: Rob Fleming
- Others Present: Tina Dorion; Minutes Recorder, Nancy Feldman, John Feldman, Terry Meidinger; Sheriff, Brad Bail; Widseth Smith Nolting , Sonny Alford & Associate; Madison Services, Curt Seed; Red River
Meeting called to order by Mayor Dorion @ 6:01pm.
Public Portion
- Sonny Alford & Associate – Madison Services: Mr. Alford represented the company that is hired for snow removal at Federal Building. Mr. Alford inquired about the parameters of their responsibility and the city’s responsibility for snow removal; specifically the alleys and streets. Mr. Alford also inquired if it was ok to push the snow into the streets for the city to pick up. Mr. Alford asked about where the snow can be blown as well.
o Response: Mr. Helland advised that the alleys are not cleaned by city. The snow can be pushed on the streets if the city employees are cleaning the streets. Mr. Helland stated the city’s policy for tractor use is 1.5 inches of snowfall needed. Also the snow can be blown over the dike as long as it doesn’t affect the dike project. Mayor Dorion handed the city’s snow removal policy to Mr. Alford.
- Curt Seed – Red River: Mr. Seed advised the council that a vehicle had hit the bank en route to his company via the alley. The cops were called for the incident. Mr. Seed wanted some direction about the alley’s usage for semis. Mr. Seed is willing to work with the city for safety purposes with sign/light warnings. Mr. Seed also stated he would like to be informed of any Growth Committee meetings.
o Response: Mayor Dorion reminded Mr. Seed that he is allowed to unload semis on both streets beside his business. Mr. Seed has also agreed to add “no alley deliveries” to the delivery slips.
- Terry Meidinger – Sheriff: Mr. Meidinger just wanted to introduce himself to the council. He wanted to know what the expectations of his office.
o Response: The biggest issues for the city are speeding and semis. The semis are not allowed on the S. Pembina bridge (signs posted) and turning around in the school parking lot. Mr. Fleming advised the council that traffic cameras would be a difficult solution due to the issue of not having access to find out the driver’s information. Mr. Fritz asked about a neighbor’s snow blowing habits to Mr. Meidinger. Mr. Dorion advised Mr. Fritz to contact authorities if needed.
Changes to Agenda
- Ms. Koropatnicki added “garbage pickup” under new business.
- Mayor Dorion added “mosquitoes” and “blizzard storm shelter” under update and business: Mayor.
Motion by Mr. Huttunen, second by Ms. Koropatnicki; ayes to all present. Motion carries.
Changes to November Minutes
- Spelling error: TRESS should read TREES.
Motion by Mr. Truax, second by Mr. Huttunen; ayes to all present. Motion carries.
Old Business
- Bret Corneliusen – Mr. Fleming advised Mr. Helland to pick up garbage and dispose of and keep a record of billable hours. Mr. Fleming will draft a letter to Mr. Corneliusen to the Annandale address.
o ACTION: Ms. Thompson to contact Mr. Jim Holmquist for house inspection.
- Levee / Pay Request 5, change orders 5 & 6 – This just needed council approval for levee project for pay request 5 and change orders 5 & 6.
Motion by Ms. Koropatnicki, second by Mr. Truax; roll call: Mr. Truax: aye, Mr. Fritz: aye, Ms. Koropatnicki: aye, Mr. Huttenun: aye. Motion carries.
- Parcel Pickups – New businesses need to be commercially zoned. Council agreed to take off old business.
- Yard Waste – Ms. Thompson contacted Ms. Ardis Olson to find out what can be taken to landfill. Ms. Koropatnicki would like a copy of the policy of collection for the landfill.
o ACTION: Ms. Koropatnicki to email Ms. Thompson for policy.
Engineer Report/Brad Bail
- Mr. Brad Bail – Spruce Valley Contract is almost completed. Mr. Bail has final estimate to sign and the release of monies in escrow. Mr. Bail will also be bringing in new calendars. Past question to Mr. Bail about paving was discussed. Mr. Bail stated a feasibility study could be done free of charge to the city with hopes of getting a contract. If multiple feasibility studies are requested; there may be fees applied. Once feasibility study completed, next step would be an assessment plan. Motion needed for final partial payment #9 of $125493.46.
Motion by Ms. Koropatnicki, second by Mr. Truax; roll call vote needed. Mr. Truax: aye, Mr. Fritz: aye, Ms. Koropatnicki: aye, Mr. Huttunen: aye. Motion carries.
o ACTION: Ms. Thompson to take release of escrowed funds of $66,000.00 document to bank.
o ACTION: Ms. Thompson to complete SRF request of payment on water/sewer project.
o ACTION: Ms. Koropatnicki requested paving feasibility study added to old business.
- Mr. Helland indicated the mapping is incorrect due to an issue on 3rd Street and Moorhead. Also the legend on new mapping is missing.
o ACTION: Review mapping with Mr. Bail for discrepancies
Attorney Update
- Mr. Rob Fleming – The paperwork for the alley closure has been prepared. Signatures needed. Once completed, the notice has to be published in local paper for 4 weeks. This is not a time sensitive issue. Mr. Fleming also has the paperwork for the hearing for the closure at this time. The bridge in South Pembina belongs to the city of Pembina as per letters from 1979 and 1982. Inspections of the bridge are completed every 2 to 3 years with the latest inspection dated 2012. The bridge has 37 ton limit, but the city can proceed with any restrictions as deemed necessary. Mr. Helland noted that weight signs are up and will be taking down original signage.
Employee Report/Concerns
- Mr. Gary Helland – Council requested Mr. Helland to advise on signage around city that needs replacing. 40 signs are in need of replacement. Mr. Helland received a proposal from Newman Sign for the following: $40.00/each for double facing signs -- $17.68/each single facing sign. Mr. Huttunen requested a copy of the report to which signs should be replaced.
o ACTION: Signage to be placed on old business.
- Both bridge signs have been placed. Mr. Helland suggested adding a third sign closer to the Interstate due to the trucks getting to the bridge and unable to turn around.
Motion by Mr. Fritz, second by Mr. Truax to add third sign; ayes to all present. Motion carries.
- Sanding truck is in need of repairs. The cost is approximately $2000 and 2 week down time for repair. The brakes are bad, parking brakes lock up, no horn, no gas gauge, etc. This is a safety issue that has been an oversight for years. Mr. Helland will get an estimate for leasing a spreader that fits in the pickup.
o ACTION: Mr. Helland to email council on cost of spreader for pickup.
- Concession Stand: Ms. Thompson and Mr. Helland had a conference call with FEMA and the concession stand in S. Pembina is in the buyout area. There are 3 options for this:
- 1. Open as pavilion so flood waters can go through
- 2. Heighten structure above flood plain like golf course
- 3. Close it and/or move it
Mr. Bail stated there are flood walls that can be purchased to make structure a floodable building but walls are expensive.
o ACTION: Ms. Thompson to check with Rec. Board for guidance and bring recommendations to next council meeting.
o ACTION: Ms. Thompson to verify if structure is in buyout area or not. Mr. Huttunen to advise Ms. Thompson about this action.
- Accounts Payable invoice was received from Mr. Kyle Twamley about bored through sewer line in the amount of $1630.00. Mr. Helland provided pictures or bored sewer line. Mr. Twamley has been paid. Mr. Helland expressed that he can’t find any evidence of a “one call” prior to digging.
o ACTION: Ms. Thompson to contact One Call to verify any record of reporting.
- Trailer Park Doors are in need of repairs. Mr. Helland advised council that trim on bottoms and 9 door panels are in need or replacement. Mr. Helland gave bid from Mr. Blake Skinner to Ms. Koropatnicki for Growth Committee to handle.
- Snow Removal assistance. Mr. Helland informed that Mr. Larry Grube, Mr. Brent Trosdahl, and Mr. Randy Defoe will assist with snow removal this winter. As per Mr. Fleming, Mr. Lyle Ladouceur CAN NOT work without pay. Mr. Helland will have to monitor forecasts for any snow and adjust Mr. Ladouceur’s work schedule accordingly. Ms. Koropatnicki requested work logs for Mr. Ladouceur. Mr. Ladouceur’s work week consists of 24 hours/3 days.
- Insurance Reimbursement: Mr. Helland requested the council raise the insurance reimbursement $100.00 to $475.00 to offset premiums.
Motion by Mr. Fritz, second by Mr. Huttumen; Mr. Truax: aye, Ms. Koropatnicki: nay. Motion carries.
Update & Business: Mayor
- Mayor Dorion expressed concern for the cost of mosquito spray of $9000/barrel. Opined that the household monthly expense should be raised from $2.00/month to $5.00/month. Ms. Koropatnicki questioned if businesses were charged for mosquito spraying.
o ACTION: Mayor Dorion to verify with Ms. Thompson about businesses being charged and advise council next meeting. Spraying to be added to old business.
- Mayor Dorion advised council the Pembina School is the storm shelter for blizzards. Ms. Thompson verified with Principal Lee Beattie that the local contacts to open the school are: Mr. Paul Hagness and Ms. Laura Norby.
o Mr. Helland mentioned the Fire Dept. is working on a contingency plan for train derailments and requested the Community Center as an evacuation shelter.
- ACTION: Fire Dept. plan tabled to next council meeting.
Update & Business: City Auditor
- Ms. Thompson was absent, so Ms. Tina Dorion advised council that 3 documents needed signatures. Ms. Dorion presented documents to council. All but journal document were signed by council. Mr. Huttenun and Ms. Koropatnicki refused to sign until verification from Ms. Thompson. Meeting set at 1pm on December 9, 2014 at city office for verification.
o Mayor Dorion reminded council members to pick up packets prior to the meeting and have questions ready.
Committee Reports
- Growth Committee had a townhall meeting that was attended by 25 – 30 people. Some ideas will be pushed to Rec. Board from meeting. As a result of this meeting, Growth Committee shall increase to 9 members. Mayor Dorion appointed new members as follows:
o Ms. Kathy Johnson; 1 year term
o Mr. Gary Helland; 2 year term
o Ms. Darcy Resi; 3 year term
Mayor Dorion also appointed Ms. Koropatnicki as Chairperson.
Motion by Mr. Huttunen, second Mr. Fritz: ayes to all present—Ms. Koropatnicki abstains. Motion carries.
New Business
- Garbage Pickup – Already discussed. No other action needed.
Motion to adjourn by Mr. Fritz at 8:08pm.
By: ___________________________________
Mayor, Kyle Dorion
Submitted by _________________________________
Tina Dorion