
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

February 2015 Minutes


   Official Minutes February 9th, 2015 Pembina City Council Meeting

Joan Studeny took her oath of office for Council member before the start of the meeting.

Council Members Present:  Mayor Kyle Dorion, Corie Koropatnicki, Allen Huttunen, Council VP Greg Truax, Joan Studeny


Absent:  President Greg Wilmer & Ron Fritz


City Employees Present:   Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator,Gary Helland, Public Works Superintendent




City Attorney Present:  Rob Fleming


City Engineer Absent: Brad Bail; Widseth Smith Nolting


  • Others Present:  Andrew Kirking ( PE .County Emergence management )   



Public Portion

  • Andrew Kirking- Was here to discuss with Council a multi- Hazard Mitigation plan for Pembina County. He would like the Council to meet and review the draft he has and see if the city would like to be part of it. The city may have Hazard Mitigation items they would like included in the plan for Pembina.

o   Action: Council is to bring some ideas for this to March’s meeting to discuss.



Meeting called to order by Mayor Dorion @ 6:15pm.



Changes to Agenda


  • Ms. Koropatnicki added “City Scan” under New Business.



Motion by Mr. Huttunen, second by Ms. Koropatnicki to accept addition /changes to agenda; ayes to all present.  Motion carries.


Changes to January Minutes


  • Changes to January 12th minutes but none to January 22nd.


Motion by Ms. Koropatnicki , second by Mr. Huttunen to accept January 12th minutes with changes & January 22nd  minutes ; ayes to all present.  Motion carries.



Old Business


  • WSN Feasibility study on paving streets – On hold until spring.


  • Bret Corneliusen – Mr. Fleming emailed a PDF file to Mr. Corneliusen with a copy of the certified letter that was sent to him from Mr. Fleming.
  • Levee –Mr. Fleming reviewed the contract between the city and Red Lake Builders. Contract seems fine and ok to sign.
  • One call on Division St. - Ms. Thompson could only find in the job logs that it said one call .No specification of the one calls locations were on job logs. Take off old business  



Engineer Report/Brad Bail

  • Mr. Brad Bail – He was absentMs. Thompson let Council know a final pay has not been done with Spruce. She is waiting on funds from SRF loan. Ms. Thompson let Council know she was contacted by Sharmaine with the SRF informing her that they are waiting on paper work from Mr. Bail before they can release the requested funds.

Attorney Update

  • Closing of Ally – The paperwork is complete. The public hearing is set for March 9th @ 5:45 p.m.

Council member Truax enters meeting @ 7: 00 p.m. Mr. Helland (PWS) enters meeting @ same time. Late due to fire call.


  • S. PE Bridge The first reading for increasing the fine on semi-trucks crossing the bridge was read.


Motion by Mr. Huttunen, second by Ms. Koropatnicki to accept the first reading to increase the fine for semi-trucks crossing S. Pembina bridge ; ayes to all present.  Motion carries.


Update & Business:  Mayor

  • FEMA meeting – Mayor Dorion informed Council he and Ms. Thompson attended a meeting in Cavalier on the 4th of February.  The meeting was an update from FEMA about the new flood insurance rate mapNothing for the city on this map has changed yet.  The reason is the city is working on the levee to get it accredited and FEMA is aware of this and the progress the city is making on the levee.


·         Bismarck – Mayor Dorion let Council know he may attendCelebrate Cities Day at the Legislature in Bismarck March 6th.


  • Plasticom – This is a Winnipeg company .They are interested in bringing their business into North Dakota and are looking at land in Pembina. The land they are inquiring about is city owned property in the industrial park. They have made an offer to the city of $15,000.00 for all of lots 4, 5 & 14 -18 in block 49.

Motion by Ms. Koropatnicki, second by Mr. Huttunen to sell city owned property of block 49 all of lots 4, 5 and 14-18 along with North 50 ft. of lots 1-3. On condition right of reverter as agreed upon by Council members; ayes to all present.  Motion carries.

o   Action:  Mr. Fleming will draft a bill of sale for above city property with the stipulations set by the Council for the sale of said property. This will be reviewed at March’s meeting by the Council.






Employee Report/Concerns

  • Mr. Gary Helland – Mr. Helland informed Council that he was contacted about an inspection that was done on the clear well back in 2013 .Mr. Helland let the company that did the inspection know  he was new and has not seen the inspection report they are talking about . He was sent the report which has the clear well deficiencies on it. Mr. Helland reviewed this with the Council.



Update & Business:  City Auditor

  • January financial, 2014 EOY financial and February bills were reviewed and approved.



Committee Reports

  • Growth Committee- They have gotten information on grants for daycare.  They also have information on housing and would like the city to participate in a housing market survey.

Motion by Ms. Koropatnicki, second by Ms. Studeny for the city to do the Housing Market Survey with a 50% cost share grant for the market survey cost; ayes to all present.  Motion carries.


New Business

  • City Scan - Ms. Koropatnickihas beengetting her copy from past council member Mr. Feldman. She would like to start receiving her own copy.

o   ACTION: Ms. Thompson will contact NDLC with an updated Council listing of new members and their mailing address.



Motion to adjourn by Mr. Truax  at 7:45pm.





             By:  ___________________________________

                     Mayor, Kyle Dorion





Attested to:  _________________________________   


                  Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator