City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
Attendance: Mayor Warren Hillukka Council: Pat Burton, Beverly Burke, Kyle Dorion, John Feldman, Nancy Thompson, Debbie Stanhope. Absent: none
Present: Ken Norby, Attorney Neil Fleming, Aud./Adm. Kathy Johnson
Others Present: Jim Kotchman
As there was no one present for the Public Hearing,
Mayor Hillukka called the Regular meeting to order @ 7:03.
1. Changes made to agenda - Add Zoning request, Golf Course, Haunted House, Dancers, Graffiti, Red Ribbon week, noise ordinance.
2. Motion by Feldman, second by Burton to approve Sept. 11, 16 and 30th minutes as corrected. Motion carried unanimously.
3. City Attorney Update: a) Motion by Feldman, second by Burton, to approve the Resolution authorizing the sale of sales tax bonds through Dougherty & Co. LLC to proceed with renovation of the Community Center (see attached). Voting aye: Feldman, Thompson, Dorion, Stanhope, Burke and Burton. Voting nay: none. Motion carried. b) Motion by Burton, second by Feldman, to approve commitment of sales tax funds with the following resolution: Subject to appropriation, the City covenants and agrees to include annually as a line item in the City’s budget such amount of the Sales Tax as is necessary to pay principal and interest on the Bonds for the Community Center to the extent not paid from other available sources. Voting aye: Burke, Dorion, Feldman, Thompson, Stanhope, and Burton. Voting nay: none. Motion carried. c) Motion by Burton, second by Dorion, to resolve to support Red Ribbon Week, Oct. 22-31, 2007. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Employee Report: a) Goals/priorities reviewed. b) Graffiti on dike wall needs removal or covering. c) Dumpsters to be removed from unused areas. d) Flushing completed; some reports of "brown" water on south end both weeks.
5. Mayoral Update: a) Community Center: Demolition has begun; insurance issue resolved. b) Motion by Feldman, second by Thompson, to pay the 2007 Golf Course mortgage in October, giving room for more research on purchase options . Roll call vote. Voting aye: Dorion, Feldman, Thompson, Stanhope, and Burton. Voting nay: none. Abstain: Burke. Motion carried. c) Ditch on Block 60 – drainage similar to other blocks is already provided.
6. Aud./Admin. Update: a) Sept. financials reviewed and approved. b) Oct. bills reviewed and approved. c) 2008 Budget submitted Oct. 3 to County Auditor. d) Motion by Feldman, second by Burton, to accept the Pledge of Securities as provided by Citizen State Bank. Motion carried unanimously.
7. Committee Reports: a) Library – meeting held with concern about cash flow. A new librarian will be hired.
b) Landfill –will visit with drivers re: schedules and amounts picked up service-wide. c) Growth Committee – Start Your Own Business workshop held with several in attendance.
8. New Issues – a) Jake Brake issue tabled. b) Haunted House must follow laws regarding allowing minor no access to liquor. c) Dancers must adhere to city code Ch. 8, Article 4, 13.0403.
9. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 8:35 p.m.
By: Mayor Warren Hillukka
Attested to: Kathy Johnson, Auditor/Administrator