
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

June 28th Reorganizational Meeting



JUNE 28, 2022                                                    

6:00 PM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


ROLL CALL:  Jeff Watts, Greg Koropatnicki, Pat Burton, Mike Fitzgerald, Allen Huttunen

 ABSENT: Jennifer Martin, Ron Fritz

GUESTS: Brenda Masloski, Ken Norby, Rob Fleming, Connor Snitker


Meeting called to order by Mike Fitzgerald at 6:00pm


CANVASS OF VOTES: Mayor Fitzgerald asked for Council approval of the canvass of votes conducted under agreement by the Pembina County canvasing board.  Motion by Watts, second by Koropatnicki made to approve the canvass of votes for the following offices:


Mayor                                    Michael Fitzgerald        81 votes

Council Member                    Allen Huttunen             73 votes

Council Member                    Kenneth Norby             78 votes

Council Member                    Connor Snitker             75 votes


OATHS OF OFFICE: The oaths of office for the three council members and mayor have been given to the City Auditor to be filed with her office for the above positions.



Motion made to nominate Watts as President of the Council by Koropatnicki, seconded by Snitker. All ayes present. Motion carries. Motion made to nominate Snitker as Vice President of the Council by Watts, seconded by Burton. All ayes present. Motion carries.


Mayor Fitzgerald presented a list of board representative appointments and committee assignments for which he asked approval as follows:


Administrative Appointments

City Administrator/Auditor: Debi Stainbrook

City Attorney: Rob Fleming

City Engineer: Widseth, Smith Nolting and Associates

City Assessor: Zelda Hartje


Motion made to approve administrative appointments by Snitker, seconded by Watts. All ayes present. Motion carries.


Council Committee Assignments

Library Board: Allen Huttunen, Jeff Watts

Cemetery Board: Mike Fitzgerald, Connor Snitker

Recreation Board: Allen Huttunen, Mike Fitzgerald. Remove Pat Burton and Connor Snitker

Ice Rink Committee: Allen Huttunen

4th of July Committee: Pat Burton

Airport Authority: Jeff Watts, Greg Koropatnicki

Shade Tree Committee: Allen Huttunen

Growth Committee: Debi Stainbrook, Mike Fitzgerald (non-voting members). Allen Huttunen. Remove Pat Burton

Building, Zoning and Industry: Ken Norby, Connor Snitker. Remove Allen Huttunen and Ron Fritz

Streets, Water and Sewer: Ken Norby, Mike Fitzgerald. Remove Allen Huttunen

Assessment Committee: remove Pat Burton. Open until appointed.

Police and Personnel Committee: governing body (Norby and Connor added)

Community Center and City Office: Greg Koropatnicki

Landfill: Mike Fitzgerald, Greg Koropatnicki, Debi Stainbrook, Pat Burton. Remove Lisa Hall.

Ambulance: Allen Huttunen. Remove Ron Fritz



Mayor Fitzgerald asked the council members about making a project goal list. Discussion on project goals. Project goals include: expanding campground in South Pembina, improving bridge for more campground goals. Discussion about the trailer park. Fixing the drain in the lagoon (should be a top priority). Getting back to the maintenance of streets and sewers.


ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn by Ken Norby at 6:27pm.



APPROVED BY:                                                                                   

Mike Fitzgerald, Mayor



Debi Stainbrook, City Auditor