
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

Official Minutes for January 14th, 2019 Pembina City Council Meeting

Council Members Present: Mayor Kyle Dorion, VP Connor Snitker, Allen Huttunen, Cody Carpenter and Mike Fitzgerald

Absent: President Ron Fritz and Melissa Hilliard

City Employees Present:   Lisa Hall, Auditor/Administrator, Gary Helland/Public Works Superintendent, Blaine Eisenbeis/Public Works Assistant

City Attorney Present: Rob Fleming

City Engineer Present: Brad Bail

Others present: Jerry and Ilona Lyons, Greg and Trevor Kneeshaw

Public Portion

Greg and Trevor here to inquire about the specials on 765 Division St from the 5th Street project. Mr. Fleming advised that the only notification required for the hearings is through the Pembina New Era and at this point in the process no objections or negotiations are taken into consideration.

Meeting called to order by Mayor Dorion at 6:11 p.m.

Changes to Agenda

Add trees and council paycheck under Auditor. Motion by Fitzgerald, second by Snitker to approve changes to the agenda. Motion carries.

Motionby Carpenter,seconded by Snitker to approve December’s minutes; Ayes all present. Motion carries.

 Old Business

  • Spot Bar- Tabled.  

    Engineer Report/Brad Bail  Brad gave update on the 5th Street project. Motion by Snitker, second by Fitzgerald to approve bid pay estimate 3 with contingency of MCI paying the extra items and 1% being held back. Ayes all present. Motion carries. Motion Snitker, second Fitzgerald to approach MCI about paying the utility duct bank and electrical conduit. Ayes all present. Motion carries. Brad informed council we are back on the IEP for the lagoon.

    Attorney Update / Rob Fleming-County approached Rob about the property between Norby and Widme. Motion by Huttunen, second Carpenter to split assessment between the two properties.

Employee Report/Concerns-

  • Jerry Lyons: Reviewed the information again from Lyons sewer problem at 163 Rolette St E. and also Twamley’s recap of events. Motion by Snitker, second by Carpenter to pay $3815.39 to Lyon’s to cover the licensed contractors bills. Ayes all present. Motion carries.


  • Rural water conference- Feb 12th to 14th. Motion by Huttunen, second Carpenter to have Gary attend the conference in Bismarck contingent on the forecasted weather. Ayes all present. Motion carries.


  • Old blade sale- Gary presented an offer from Kyle Twamley to purchase old blade. Motion by Snitker, second Fitzgerald to accept Twamley’s bid of $2000 for the old blade. Ayes all present. Motion carries.


  • Update & Business: Mayor


    Update & Business: City Auditor

  • The December financials and January bills were reviewed and approved.


  • North Valley rate increase- Current rate of $3.44 will increase to $3.54.


  • Trees-Lisa received a call from USDA and it is that time of year to buy trees again. Motion by Huttunen, second by Fitzgerald to purchase $1500 worth of trees. Ayes all present. Motion carries.


  • Council paychecks- Motion Snitker, second by Carpenter to change the council paychecks to monthly instead of quarterly. Ayes all present. Motion carries.


    Committee Reports:


    New Business:


    Motion to adjourn by Huttunen at 7:23 p.m.



By:  Mayor, Kyle Dorion


Attested to: Lisa Hall, Auditor/Administrator