
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

City of Pembina

Pembina, North Dakota 58271

Minutes of Dec 1, 2003 City Council Meeting

Attendance: Council: Richard Senum, Beverly Burke, John Feldman, Pat Burton, Mayor Warren Hillukka. Absent: Jeff Carpenter, Larry Pelletier.  Present: City Attorney Rob Fleming, K. Johnson, Aud./Adm.Others Present: Gary Helland, Dan Johnson WSN, Joy Hillukka, Allison Hillukka, Barry Peterson, Peter Wasberg, George Christianson, Karen Johnson, Ken Norby, Gary Wilkie

Public Hearing called to order 7:05 P.M. by Mayor Warren Hillukka

1. Peter Wasberg appeared on behalf of Otter Tail with their request for franchise renewal (20 yr.). There would be no change in the language from the previous franchise. Motion by Burton,second  by Feldman, to hold first reading of franchise agreement. Motion carried unanimously, and the franchise agreement was read.

2. Joy Hillukka – Ambulance Board has been planning for a new ambulance. They would like to keep the current ambulance as a backup, but would need space to keep it. The Ambulance Board offered to renovate the old Library & allow Officer Benson to use space in the Professional Building. Burton offered to research this.

3. George Christianson & Karen Johnson - Golf Club has bank payment problems. This year 5 tournaments were held as well as extra fund-raisers. More volunteer time allowed income to be up as well as cost of labor down. Up-coming bills are about $ 4,000. Loan payment is over $8,000. Legal council will research what the city can do.

Regular Meeting called to order at 7:55 by Mayor Warren Hillukka

1. Changes made to agenda - Tree at Corneliusen's; Auditor to direct removal of tree.

2. Motion by Feldman, second by Senum to approve November minutes with changes. Motion carried unanimously.

3. City Attorney Update: a) No word from FEMA on S. Pembina properties. b) Presented resolution regarding illegal Canadian dike (See attached). Motion by Burton, 2nd by Senum to adopt resolution. 100% voting aye.

4. Employee Report: a) Goals/priorities lists reviewed and amended. b) Ken suggests putting screens on fire plug at border line, and suggested notifying GSA regarding this. c) Motion by Senum, 2nd by Feldman, to raise Helland’s wages by $1.00 per hour beginning Nov., 2003, as his certification test was passed. Motion carried, 100% voting aye. d) Motion by Feldman, 2nd by Senum, to accept $10.00 on/off meter form as proposed by staff. Motion carried unanimously. e) Evaluation form referred to personnel committee. f) Sprinkler system at Ammex snapped. Ammex is responsible for repairs from curbstop to building, including street repairs.

5. Mayoral Update: a) Tabled bond issue until January meeting. b) Motel - stalled. Sand never returned calls. c) Motion by Senum, 2nd by Feldman, to accept Long’s application for remodeling tax exemption at 100% for 3 years. Motion carried unanimously. d) Motion by Burton, 2nd by Senum, to approve liquor licenses that are paid by the date specified. Motion carried unanimously.

6. Aud./Admin. Update: a) November General ledger, budget ratio, collections/disbursements and December bills to be paid presented. Financials approved. b) Motion by Feldman, 2nd by Burton, to pay bills less the $3,351.82 for the border line problem bill from WFW. Motion carried unanimously. c) Payment toward MCI incentive loan is $11,000. d) Motion by Feldman 2nd by Burton to resubmit Project Impact bills from school. Motion carried unanimously. e) Auditor directed to verify S. Pembina property before payments of taxes. f) Motion by Feldman to approve pledge of securities as of March 31, 2003. 2nd by Senum. Motion carried unanimously.

7. Committee Reports: a) Rec. Board -Are planning sleigh rides & horseback rides along with Santa Day. Ice rink needs to be flooded. Will raffle a laptop computer after Jan. 1st.

b) Growth Committee - Purchased 2,500 brochures.

8. There being no further business,

9. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 9:50 p.m.

By: Warren Hillukka, Mayor

Attested to: K. Johnson, City Aud/Adm