Official Minutes for April 8, 2024, Pembina City Budget Meeting and Council Meeting
Date: April 8th, 2024, at 6:00pm
Location: Professional Building
Present: Mayor Mike Fitzgerald, Pat Burton, Jeff Watts, Ken Norby, Connor Snitker, Al Huttunen (arrived 6:02pm)
Guests: Teri Stoiber, Sherri Carattini, Dustin Fanfulik (Widseth), Rob Fleming (Attorney), Keith Needham, Lyndi Needham, Phil Hall, Greg K., Jim Guttu, Curt Seed, Ben Kneeshaw
Public Meeting: 6:00 pm –
- Jim Guttu regarding 442/422 N 5th St. issues: Hedge on N side needs to be removed, rodents need to be poisoned/removed
- Curt Seed regarding 151 N Cavalier St proposed bid accepted?
- Phil Hall addressed the Council re: Update on City Clean-Up Day
Regular Meeting called to order at 6:05 pm
1 Seat Empty until June 2024 election.
Changes to Agenda: Add A2 Power Pump Programing, Sweeper, Daycare Update, Generator Update, Loader Update, Army Corps of Engineers, Cole Int’l, Vacation in June (Korpat). Motion to approve changes by Burton. Seconded by Watts. All ayes present. Motion carries.
Approval/Changes to March 6, March 11, and April 1, 2024, Minutes: Motion to approve minutes as presented by Burton, seconded by Snitker. All ayes present. Motion carries.
Old Business:
- 422 N. 5th St Demolition – Attorney spoke with Chad—will approve demo but not until October. Attorney to discuss removal of 4 large trees and the hedge with Chad—find out change over cost; Mayor and Burton to provide pest control.
- Garbage/Recycling/Clean Up Day – Huttunen trying to get set up; working to find part-time help. Will update at May’s Council Meeting, planning to set up for June or July.
- Automated Water Meter Readers – Greg had some training last week. April 17th there will be additional training; 60 automated readers installed to date, and no issues so far.
- Spot Bar Lot – Curt Seed offered $14500. There is a cost to the city of $1500-$1700 to create the abstract per Mr. Fleming. Watts made the motion to accept the bid. Seconded by Burton. All ayes present. Motion carries.
- Northeast Regional Water Fees and Contract Change – Mr. Fleming says NER wants to change the cost of service analysis to in-house—in the past a 3rd party was hired at a cost of $20,000-$30,000. Mr. Fleming to change verbiage and work out details to save on cost.
- Maguire Water Contract – motion to accept contract to Renovate Exterior of Water Supply Tank, R&R Frost Proof Vent, Install Expanded Metal Floor for Belly Catwalk, Epoxy touch Up around Riser & T-Plugs for a cost of $82,745 by Burton. Seconded by Huttunen. All ayes present. Motion carries.
Committee Reports:
- Fire Department – No Report
- Rec Board – Rec Board still in violation of state open meeting regulations by not submitting all meeting agendas and minutes to city office but submitted highlights of discussions. Someone wants to rent picnic tables and take out of city limits—they need to be held liable for any damages, missing tables, etc. There are some low areas that need top soil to fill in. Would like to Hire Mrs. Houston for T-ball coach, Matt & Mike will be returning as older ages coaches. Motion by Snitker to approve coaches. Seconded by Huttunen. All ayes present. Motion carries.
- 4th of July Committee – steel canopy/table. Rob to look up costs and vendors. Tabled.
Employees Report/Concerns:
o A2 Power Pump Programming wb $3872; no backup plan—if power goes down can it run manually? Burton made motion to approve cost. Snitker seconded. All ayes present. Motion carries.
o Street Sweeper is antiquated and parts becoming increasingly difficult to find. Found a smaller one for $150,000, or can possibly get a refurbished 2013 Pelican for $115,000. Still researching.
o Daycare Update – washing machine was r&r; vendor also took a second washing machine and stove at no additional cost. Deep freeze has been unplugged and needs to be removed.
o Generator Update – During recent power outage, the generators were running. What is the maintenance contract on them?
o Loader update – replacement JD 544P Loader arrived April 5. Two-year lease.
o Army Corps of Engineers – came out March 20 to Walkers where culvert comes out; plan to make it look like original. Updates as they come in.
o Cole International – wants to cut away curb on 5th Street—City needs drawing and engineering involved—Cole International will need a building permit—is there a gate valve below area?
o Greg’s Vacation in June -- about 10 days. Motion to have Ken Norby, Pat Burton, Mayor, or Snitker fill in as needed. Norby motioned to approve. Snitker seconded. All ayes present. Motion carries.
Engineer Report:
o Lagoon Proposal and Flowchart of work completion. Stated that city has applied for SRF funding, no answer on revolving funding.
o There will be an agency doing flyover of city for Lidar Data next month.
o Stutsman St Repair – no bids this year, will design over summer, and open for bids next year
Attorney Update: no updates
Update & Business: Mayor – no updates
Update & Business: City Auditor/ Teri Stoiber
- March Bills & Financials – Motion to approve financials by Burton. Seconded by Watts. All ayes present. Motion carries.
- Delinquent Accounts – certified letters were sent with a shut-off date of Monday, April 22nd.
- Request to Attend Grant Training – Motion to approve by Huttunen. Seconded by Snitker. All ayes present. Motion carries
New Business:
· DFA Condemnation – motion to begin condemnation procedures for property at 601 W. Stutsman (corner of W. Stutsman and 6th St) by Snitker. Seconded by Burton. All ayes present. Motion carries.
- Summer Help Applicant – motion by Snitker to hire Lance Santiago for Summer Help position. Seconded by Huttunen. All ayes present. Motion carries.
- Professional Building Interior Painting Quote – no movement
- Sharp Shears by Nicole Lease Extension expires April 30th, 2024 -- continues month to month effective May 1, Mr. Fleming will draft new lease with $350/month rent and present to Nicole.
Adjournment – Motion to adjourn at 7:06 PM by Norby.
By: Mayor, Mike Fitzgerald
Attested to: Teri Stoiber, City Auditor
The next city council meeting will be held on May 13th, 2024, at 6:00 pm, in the Professional Building.