City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
152 W. Rolette St.
Minutes of July 14, 2008 City Council Meeting
Attendance: Council: John Feldman, Kyle Dorion, Greg Wilmer, And Debbie Stanhope. Absent: Beverly Burke and Mayor Hillukka
Present: PWS Ken Norby, Attorney Neil Fleming, Aud./Adm. Kathy Johnson, Office Asst Nancy Thompson & City Engineer Dan Johnson
Others Present: None
Since no one was present for Public Hearing,
Regular meeting was called to order by Council President Feldman @ 7p.m.
1. Changes made to agenda: add Valley Landfill under Mayor, street closure under Recreation Board & Airborne Alley under new & outstanding. Motion by Stanhope second by Dorion to accept changes. Motion carried
2. Motion by Dorion, second by Wilmer to accept June 9 & 24 minutes as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
3. City Attorney Update: a) No word from GSA on the contract. b) Had no updates on dike lawsuit.
c) Neil will research ordinance regarding dangerous animals.
4. Employee Report: a) Goals/priorities reviewed. b) Grass clipping on street from mowing block gutters and leave standing water. c) Coin Water – Ken and Dan recommend blocked 14. d) Research parking on Rolette St.
5. Mayoral Update: a) Community Center- More research on decoration and rental policies needed.
b) Landfill- meting set for July 24th @ Drayton. Mayor requests a letter from council stating if St. Thomas does not agree to volume based system, Pembina will pull out of Valley Landfill. Motion by Dorion, second by Stanhope to do so. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Aud./Admin. Update: a) June financials reviewed and approved. b) July bills reviewed and approved.
c) Maps- need to be reviewed.
7. Committee Reports: a) Engineer Johnson - has contacted three different contractors for manholes. Could possibly do manholes and meter vault together?
b) Personnel- recommend hiring Nancy Thompson as the new City Auditor and Lisa Penn as Deputy Auditor; both positions at an hourly rate. Committees recommendation is the Motion. Roll call vote: Ayes: Wilmer, Dorion, And Stanhope. Nays- none. Motion carries.
c) Rec. Board- Pavilion door needs to be fixed. City will cover this cost. Motion by Dorion, second by Wilmer to charge a $25.00 fee for use of the Pavilion. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Dorion, second by Stanhope to allow Beaupre Street to be closed from 4:30 pm- 1:00 am for dance on August 9th. Motion carried unanimously.
c) Building/Zoning: Recommended deny request for variance. Motion carried unanimously.
8. New Issues – Fire department would like to make improvements to Airborne Alley @ Fire Departments expense. Council approves.
9. Motion to adjourn by Stanhope at 9:00 p.m.
By: President John Feldman
Attested to: Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator