July 2012 Minutes
City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
152 W. Rolette St.
Official Minutes July9th, 2012 City Council Meeting
Attendance Council meeting: Mayor Warren Hillukka, Council Beverly Burke, Greg Wilmer, Greg Truax, Dan Waldrop and Debbie Stanhope.
Present: Attorney Neil Fleming, Aud. /Adm. Nancy Thompson City Engineer, Dan Johnson and Public works Ken Norby
Absent: John Feldman
Others Present: Blaine Eisenbeis Pembina County Sheriff’s dept and Nate Dalager HDR engineering.
Public Portion: Blaine Eisenbeis gave Council a hand out of yearly estimated cost for a deputy and what the city’s amount for that would be if they decide to contract with county again for a deputy.
Nate Dalager with HDR gave Council and update on the levee recertification.
Regular Meeting: Was called to order by Mayor Hillukka at 6:45 p.m.
2. Motion by Burke second by Stanhope to approve June 11th minutes with changes .All present ayes .Motion carried. Motion by Stanhope second by Burke to approve June 26th minutes. All present ayes Motion carried.
3. Old Business: a) Council discussed a loan for levee recertification engineer fees. Motion by Wilmer that Mayor Hillukka and Councilmember’s Feldman and Burke have authority to take out a loan up to $100,000.00 with Citizens State bank Midwest second by Stanhope. Roll call vote ayes Stanhope, Wilmer, Truax and Waldrop Nays: None. Burke abstains - Absent and not voting Feldman. Motion carried.
4. City Engineer /Dan Johnson: a)Update water sewer project.
5. Attorney: a) Wilmer movedto approve ordinance 2012-1 (Enacting Article 20, Section 9.2004(3)) second by Stanhope. Roll call vote ayes Stanhope, Burke, Wilmer, Truax and Waldrop Nays: None. Absent and not voting Feldman. Motion carried.
6. Employee Report: a) Ken let Council know that the generator was up and running July 4th when the power went out and it works well. The CORP was up and inspected the levee .There has been a lot of maintenance on the mowers and they keep breaking down.
7. Mayor Update: a) update on new border patrol station.
8. Aud. /Admin. Update: a) June financials reviewed and approved b) July bills reviewed and approved. .
- Committee Reports: no reports
10. Issues-New: none
Motion by Burke to adjourn at 7:30 p.m.
By: ___________________________________
Mayor, Warren Hillukka
Attested to: _________________________________
Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator