Official Minutes for November 12, 2019, Pembina City Council Meeting
Council Members Present: Mayor Kyle Dorion, President Ron Fritz, VP Connor Snitker, Cody Carpenter, Allen Huttunen, and Mike Fitzgerald.
Absent: Melissa Hilliard and Lisa Hall/Auditor, Brad Bail/engineer
City Employees Present: Gary Helland/Public Works Superintendent, Blaine Eisenbeis/Public Works Assistant
City Attorney Present: Rob Fleming
Others present: none
Public Portion-
Meeting called to order by Mayor Dorion at 6:00 p.m.
Changes to Agenda
Add deer population in city under new business, add culver project update under Gary, and add snow removal and reimbursement under Motion by Fitzgerald, second by Snitker to approve the changes to agenda. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Huttunen mentioned that he thought he had voted Nay at October’s meeting on the council and employee snow removal. Lisa will review recording and make correction if needed. Motionby Snitker,second by Huttunen to approve October’s minutes. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Old Business
Spot Bar- Reviewed bids. Will have Lisa call the state to find out what permits are needed and how long the building can stay in hole until it needs to be hauled off. Tabled until Lisa receives information.
Recycling- Tabled.
Engineer Report/Brad Bail –
Attorney Update / Rob Fleming-
Employee Report/Concerns-
Reading meters – Gary inquired making sure ok to estimate if needed due to weather. Motion by Huttunen, second by Snitker to estimate meters if there is inclement weather. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
City officials snow removal and reimbursement-Al- Huttunen suggested that if council takes snow removal in a month then should forego council payment for that month’s meeting or possibly increase per meeting wage and then take snow removal out of there. No one wished to discuss further. Motion from October stands.
Update & Business: Mayor –
Nothing at this time
Update & Business: Public Works Assistant/Blaine Eisenbeis
The October financials and November bills were reviewed and approved.
Committee Reports:
New Business:
By: Mayor, Kyle Dorion
Attested to: Lisa Hall, Auditor