UnOfficial Minutes for December 11, 2023, Pembina City Budget Meeting and Council Meeting
Date: December 11th, 2023, at 6:00pm
Location: Professional Building
Present: Renee Thomas, Al Huttunen (by phone until 7:37, then in person), Pat Burton, Ken Norby, Mayor Mike Fitzgerald
Absent: Jeff Watts, Connor Snitker
Guests: Sherri Carattini, Greg Koropatnicki, Brad Bail, Cole Johnston (for Rob Fleming), Pete Huttunen, Ben Kneeshaw, Trevor Kneeshaw, Lyndi Needham, Doug Steinmetz, Tanya Rivera
Public Meeting: 6:00 pm – Trevor Kneeshaw of Mid-Central Medical notified council of Mid-Central Medicals desire to expand, and inquired about possible property locations to do so. Mayor Mike and the council will review this request and this will be added to the January agenda.
Regular Meeting called to order at 6:10 pm
Changes to Agenda: Add hour meters for tower pumps, W. Rolette grinder station pump, Lead line inventory, and ATVs/Snow Machines on dike to Employee concerns under Greg. Add the quote for new doors under the Fire Department. Motion to approve changes by Thomas. Seconded by Burton. All ayes present. Motion carries.
Approval/Changes to November 13th Minutes: Motion to approve minutes and changes as presented by Burton, seconded by Thomas. All ayes present. Motion carries.
Old Business:
- Garbage/Recycling/Clean Up Day – no updates
- Daycare – Tanya Rivera presented herself to the council as a candidate to take over the daycare. The council asked her to start working on getting certified as soon as possible. Also, Cole was asked to have Rob Fleming draw up a contract for her to start in January 2024, with the minimum number of children - permitted until she gets her certification.
- Lagoon – no updates
- Automated Water Meter Readers – Still awaiting IT from Ferguson to set up Banyon; Greg has been installing meter heads at some residences
- House Condemnations – no updates (an email from Florence Uruakpa mentioned that she has contacted a contractor in MN to demolish the building)
- Fish & Game/Widseth Rock Dam – no updates; Brad mentioned that Fish & Game will cover the entire cost
- Employee Raises – starting January, full-time employees will receive a 3% raise. Motion by Burton to approve 3% raise, seconded by Thomas. All ayes present. Motion carries.
- Spot Bar Lot – Tabled
- Ottertail Franchise Renewal (moved up from New Business) – Doug Steimetz presented the new 20-year renewal. A second reading will be scheduled for the January 8th meeting.
Committee Reports:
o By-Laws do not need to be signed by the city. FD will sign and provide a copy for the city files.
o Pete provided a quote for new doors. The council requested he get additional quotes to bring to the next meeting.
Employees Report/Concerns:
- Sherri – asked if the city should charge delinquent accounts for the cost of certified letters; not unless an ordinance is in place stating such
- Greg –
o Water pump meters need repairs. Council approved moving forward as soon as possible.
o Grinder Station Pump @ W. Rolette – ND Sewage & Pum coming Dec 18th to work on it
o Lead Line Inventory – Greg is taking photos of lines coming in and going out of meters as he gets access to residential and commercial properties
o Motorized vehicles on dikes (e.g. ATVs and Snow Machines) – people are ignoring the signs prohibiting motorized vehicles and are driving on the dikes. This is causing damage to the dike, which could be problematic should there be a flood. Sherri will post the prohibitions on the website, on Facebook, and in other areas and indicate that violators may be prosecuted and/or fined.
Engineer Report:
- Brad Bail said the aerial mapping will be completed in the spring.
Attorney Update: Cole Johnston stated that local resident Richard Varecka would like to purchase the condemned property recently deeded back to the city, located at 422 N. 5th St. Burton made a motion to sell the property to Mr. Varecka for $2450.00. Seconded by Thomas. Three ayes, opposed by Huttunen. Motion Carries.
Update & Business: Mayor – no updates
Update & Business: City Auditor/ Sherri Carattini
- November Bills & Financials – Motion to approve financials by Burton, seconded by Thomas. All ayes present. Motion carries.
- Delinquent Accounts – certified letters were sent. Payments need to be made by Friday, Dec 15th or water will be disconnected. Mayor Mike asked to be notified of who will need to be disconnected.
New Business:
- Rec Board requested approval to purchase new uniforms, as cost may be above $500. Motion to approve purchase by Huttunen. Seconded by Burton. All ayes present. Motion carries.
- Community Center Rules and Costs – Sherri to update to include Pavilion deposit of $75 for future rentals. Motion to add $75.00 deposit to Pavilion rental by Norby. Seconded by Burton. Three ayes. Opposed by Huttunen. Motion carries.
- City Help – tabled
- Vacation Leave – Sherri informed council that Vacation Leave calculations were incorrectly entered into Banyon. She proposed updating the handbook to indicate corrected information and making corrections in Banyon. Motion to make corrections by Burton. Seconded by Thomas. All ayes present. Motion carries.
- New construction tax incentives – Sherri will post application link on the website
- SADD Gaming Permit Request – motion to approve by Burton. Seconded by Thomas. All ayes present. Motion carries.
Adjournment – Motion to adjourn at 7:43 PM by Thomas.
By: Mayor, Mike Fitzgerald
Attested to: Sherri Carattini, City Auditor
The next city council meeting will be held on January 8th, 2023, at 6:00pm in the Professional building.