Attendance: Mayor Warren Hillukka Council: Beverly Burke, Kyle Dorion, Pat Burton, John Feldman, Nancy Thompson, Debbie Stanhope. Absent: none
Present: PWS Ken Norby, Attorney Neil Fleming, Aud./Adm. Kathy Johnson, City Engineer Dan Johnson
Others Present: none
There being no one to present at the Public Hearing, the
Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Hillukka at 7:04.
1. Changes made to agenda - Add water tower contract.
2. Motion by Feldman, second by Burton to approve Dec. 10 minutes as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
3. City Attorney Update: a) Motion by Feldman, second by Burton, to have attorney write a letter to GSA regarding the deficiencies of their proposed contract: meter placement, control of repair of lines on their property, and reference to the Public Service Commission. Motion carried unanimously. b) Fleming to review Valley Landfill documents re: dissolution of partnership.
4. Employee Report: a) Goals/priorities reviewed. b) McGuire Iron contract tabled for comparison with KLM. c) Motion by Thompson, second by Stanhope, to approve the John Deere loader lease as presented, and authorizing the mayor and/or auditor to sign such lease. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Mayoral Update: a) Community Center – interior cement is complete & insulation is going up on the walls. b) Motion by Burton, second by Dorion, to recognize that the time period for the motel incentive has expired, and the funds set aside for that project are now unencumbered. Motion carried unanimously.
c) Motion by Feldman, second by Thompson to allocate 100% of the former motel funds to the golf course building purchase. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Aud./Admin. Update: a) Dec. financials reviewed and approved. b) Jan. bills reviewed and approved.
c) 2007 year-to-date budget reviewed. Motion by Feldman, seconded by Burton, to approve final 2007 budget amendments as presented. Motion carried unanimously. d) Figures will be compiled, and North Valley Rural Water will be billed for poor quality water in September and beyond.
7. Committee Reports: a) Library – New Saturday hours being offered.
8. New Issues – Snowpack has a significant amount of moisture for this time of year.
9. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 8:10 p.m.
By: Mayor Warren Hillukka
Attest: Kathy Johnson, Auditor/Administrator