
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

City of Pembina

Pembina, North Dakota 58271

Minutes of December 2, 2002 Council Meeting


Attendance: Mayor Warren Hillukka. Council: Richard Senum, Beverly Burke, Larry Pelletier, Melissa Grafe. Absent: John Feldman, Jeff Carpenter.

Present: Rob Fleming, Attorney ; K. Johnson, Aud./Adm.

Others Present: Ron Monette, Gary Helland, Ken Norby

Public Hearing called to order at 7:03 by Mayor Hillukka.

No one was present for the public hearing.

Regular Meeting called to order 7:05 P.M.

1. Changes made to agenda--Liquor license renewal; Valley Crete letter

2. Motion by Senum, second by Burke, to approve Nov. minutes as corrected. Motion carried.

3. City Attorney Update: Reviewed proposed JDA agreement & recommended changes. Motion by Pelletier, second by Senum, to pass resolution as amended. Roll call vote: Senum, Pelletier, and Burke voting aye. Grafe abstains. Motion carries. b) Motion by Burke, second by Senum, to authorize mayor and auditor to sign resolution. Motion carried, 100% voting aye. c) Motion by Senum, second by Pelletier to approve variable rate with a ceiling of 5.91%. Motion carried, 100% voting aye.

4. Employee Report: a) Firepot is deteriorated in old shop. New truck also doesn’t fit in old space. Motion by Senum, second by burke, to let bids on new furnace. Motion carried, 100% voting aye.

b) Tractor will be picked up to mount snowblower. To be returned the following day. c) Motion by Senum, second by Grafe, to purchase 10 new lightweight plastic tables for the community center at Sam’s Club. Motion carried, 100% voting aye. d) Ken presented polymer pump needing replacement. Motion by Senum, second by Pelletier, to purchase 10 gallon polymer replacement pump from Hawkins, Inc. Motion carried, 100% voting aye.

5. Mayoral Update: a) Bid received from Twamley to demolish condemned house on Stutsman for $4,000. Motion by Burke, second by Senum, to approve bid. Motion carried 100% voting aye. Bill to be attatched to property’s taxes. b) Discussion of Invisimax’s proposal at November’s meeting. Auditor ordered to research what other towns are receiving for rent. c) Updated the council on the JDA/MCI Incentives. d) KBM- Jim West is looking for a response re: pilot program. Not enough information is available at this time to make a decision. Auditor to send correspondence. e) Hole on 6th St. filled for winter; cannot patch in cold weather. f) Budget transfers from water/sewer account: Motion by Burke, second by Senum, to transfer the $5,000 remaining in budget to highway, and remaining expendible funds into Sales Tax. Motion carried, 100% voting aye.

6. Aud./Adm. Update: a) Nov. General ledger, budget ratio, collections/disbursements and Dec. bills to be paid presented; financials approved. b) Sale of community center is under consideration. Will have to look at all options. c) Motion by Senum, second by Burke, to accept beer and Sunday licenses that are paid by the date required. Motion carried, 100% voting aye.

7. Committee reports: a) Recreation Board: Santa Day scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 7. Looking at sleigh ride for sometime after new year. Master Plan was discussed. Will need to follow up with recommendations and/or changes. b) Growth: Currently looking for price on 5 acres of Industrial Park property. c) Shade Tree: Will apply for grant funds and Growth Award.

8. Changes taken care of above.

9. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 9:55 p.m.

                                     By: Warren Hillukka, Mayor

Attested to: K. Johnson, City Aud/Adm