
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

City of Pembina

Pembina, North Dakota 58271

Minutes of Feb. 6, 2006 Council Meeting

 Attendance: Beverly Burke, Pat Burton, Kyle Dorion, John Feldman, Mayor Warren Hillukka.  Absent: Rick Senum, Nancy Thompson

Present: Attorney Daniel Gaustad, Dan Johnson of WSN, Kathy Johnson, Auditor/Admin.

Others present: Brent Cosley, Ken Norby.

Public Hearing called to order at 7 p.m., by Mayor Hillukka.

  •   Mr. Cosley discussed a bill sent to him for materials to raise a manhole cover which had been below ground level.  Cosley did the labor with the understanding that the city would pay for materials. Norby concurred, council agreed; bill deleted.

 Regular Meeting called to order at 8:05

1. Changes to agenda: Snow removal overtime, pledge of securities, budget amendment, and tax exemption request

2.  Motion by Burton, second by Dorion, to approve Jan. minutes as amended. Motion carried unanimously.

3. City Attorney Update: 1) Buyout title project is started with full abstracts due on 3 properties.  FEMA has agreed to cost share.  2) Letter of Undertaking – no response from Fleming & DuBois as to the request from last month.

 4. Employee Report: a) Review of staff and auditor goals/priority lists. b) Snow Removal policy:  If 1 inch or more of snow has fallen, the streets should be cleaned.  This should be done in the morning prior to the majority of traffic.  Snow emergency routes will be done first.  If the snowfall occurs on weekends/holidays, after the emergency route is completed, staff will evaluate: if traffic is moving unimpeded, then no more work is required.  Discussion of tractor wheel problems.  c) Motion by Feldman, second by Dorion, for Burton to follow up with purchase of a 2 ½ yard bucket and weights for the tractor.  Motion carried unanimously. d) Motion by Feldman, second by Dorion, to pay Burton as per contract for work for the city while Ken is out for recovery.  Burton abstains, motion carries.  e)  The Fire Department was planning to hook up its generator, and wondering if the community center should also be hooked up at the same time.  This idea was passed over because of the proposed renovation of the Community Center.  f)  Motion by Burke, second by Burton, to accept the Clow Electric bid to install a cove heater and separate the circuits in the Professional Building.  Motion carried unanimously.  g) Motion by Feldman, second by Burton, to amend the January motion granting a temporary liquor and beer license, extending the temporary license to the end of February to allow the state to finish their application work. Motion carried unanimously.

5. Mayor’s Update: Motion by Feldman, second by Burton, to grant the new home tax exemption to the new Dorion residence in the full amount of $75,000 for two years.  Dorion abstains, motion carried.

6. Auditor’s Report: a) Jan. collections/disbursements and general ledgers reviewed & approved. b) February bills to be paid approved with the exception of Senum’s bill for work on the computers.  c) Motion by Feldman, second by Dorion, to accept CSB’s Pledge of Securities dated Dec. 31, 2005.   Burke abstains, motion carried.  d) Motion by Feldman, second by Dorion, to amend the 2005 budget to actual. Motion carried unanimously. 

e) Community Center Steering Committee –CDBG application is in the works.  Motion by Burton, second by Feldman, to approve the Resolution of Sponsorship for the Community Center Project, and authorizing Mayor Hillukka to apply to the North Dakota Division of Community Services for funding of this project.  Motion carried unanimously.   

 7. Committee Reports: a) Growth– Reviewed recommendations for Sales Tax Fund applicants:  1. Motion by Feldman, second by Dorion, to approve a grant to the newly re-formed Neche/Pembina Boy Scouts in the amount of $200.  Motion carried unanimously.  

2. Following discussion regarding precedence, motion by Burton, second by Dorion, to approve Mary B. Morrison DBA “The Old Maid” a loan of $15,000 to be used for purchasing equipment at 3% interest over 10 years.  Motion carried unanimously. 3. Motion by Feldman, second by Burton, to concur with Growth Committee’s recommendation to deny building demolition request. Motion carried unanimously.

b) Personnel Committee – will confer on employee reviews on Sunday, Feb. 12 @ 7 p.m.

8.  Other:  Council approved Masloski request to close street for auction, provided they notify emergency services and neighbors.

 9. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 8:40 p.m.

   By: Warren Hillukka, Mayor

 Attested to: Kathy Johnson, Auditor/Administrator