Mayor Warren Hillukka; Council: Kyle Dorion, Beverly Burke, Debbie Stanhope.
Absent: John Feldman
Present: PWS Ken Norby, Attorney Neil Fleming, Aud./Adm. Kathy Johnson, City Engineer Dan Johnson
Others Present: John & Lola Kirby, Oliver Hughes.
Public Hearing called to order @ 7 p.m.
Kirby’s approached the council regarding a proposed restaurant. Would be looking for a tax incentive and a potential loan. Currently they are working with SBDC. ·
Hughes – presented a building permit request for the home he purchased. All being satisfied, the permit was issued. Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Hillukka at 7:25.
1. Changes made to agenda: add ambulance.
2. Motion by Dorion, second by Stanhope to approve May minutes and Special meeting minutes as corrected. Motion carried unanimously.
3. City Attorney Update: a) No word from GSA on the contract. b) First reading of the ordinance repealing Ch. 9 Article 5 and re-enacting Ch. 9 Article 5 regarding Liquor Licenses. Motion by Dorion, Second by Stanhope to accept the first reading. Those voting aye: Dorion, Burke, Stanhope. None voting nay, the motion carries. c) Century Code requires headlamps and tail lights to be on all street-running vehicles.
4. Employee Report: a) Goals/priorities reviewed. b) A pump is out at the lift station. Hughes will be in to check this. c) Motion by Dorion, second by Stanhope to purchase a McCormack 38 HP mower to replace the 2520. Motion carried 100% d) Motion by Stanhope, second by Burke, to raise sweeping charge to $100/hour. Motion carried unanimously. e) Coin Water – Ken and Dan to look into a feasible location.
5. Mayoral Update: a) Community Center – project should be complete by mid-June. It is noted that as a publicly-held property, there is no smoking allowed on the property. b) Motion by Burke, second by Stanhope, to approve Mitigation Plan review as proposed by County EM. Motion carried 100%.
c) Dangerous animal ordinance to be reviewed by Fleming. d) Ambulance – need for volunteers is desperate.
6. Aud./Admin. Update: a) May financials reviewed and approved. b) June bills reviewed and approved.
c) Motion by Dorion, second by Stanhope to establish a NSF check fee of $35.00, and to post notice of same. Motion carried 100%. d) Motion by Dorion, second by Stanhope to approve gaming applicants as paid. Motion carried 100%.
7. Committee Reports: a) Engineer Johnson reported the meter vault issue has passed to design engineers. New city maps will be available soon; & he will come inspect manhole problems.
b) Building/Zoning: City provides culverts only for access to alleys.
8. New Issues – addressed above
9. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 9:41 p.m.
By: Mayor Warren Hillukka
Attested to: Kathy Johnson, Auditor/Administrator