Official Minutes for July 12th, 2021, Pembina City Council Meeting
Council Members Present: Mayor Mike Fitzgerald, President Jeff Watts, Greg Koropatnicki, Jennifer Martin, and Allen Huttunen (via phone)
Absent: VP Ron Fritz, Pat Burton
City Employees Present: Lisa Hall/Auditor, Gary Helland/Public Works Superintendent
City Attorney Present: Terin Riley and Robert Fleming (zoom)
City Engineer: Brad Bail
Others present: Blaine Eisenbeis-PFD Chief, Curt Seed, Tyler Seed, and Michelle Helland-Ambulance
CONDEMNATION HEARING-Called to order at 6:01 p.m. No one personally here and no one logged into zoom. Mr. Fleming via zoom opens hearing by calling on Scott Boura who is the building official for the city of Grafton. Mr. Boura inspected Mr. Ernie Ruet D’auetuil’s home and determined it should be condemned based on the Pembina City code. He determined it is not economically reasonable to repair the house to above standard condition. Enters into exhibit 1 the building inspection report from Mr. Boura that was sent by mail laying out in detail all of the defects with no response from Mr. Ruet D’auetuil. Also a notice of the hearing was sent by mail with no response.
No one personally here and no one logged into zoom. Mr. Fleming opens hearing on Mr. Thompson’s by calling on Scott Boura who is the building official for the city of Grafton. Mr. Boura inspected Mr. David Thompson’s home and determined it should be condemned based on the Pembina City code. He determined it is not economically reasonable to repair the house to above standard condition. Enters into exhibit 2 the building inspection report from Mr. Boura that was sent by mail laying out in detail all of the defects with no response from Mr. Thompson. Also a notice of the hearing was sent by mail with no response. Close of hearing at 6:07 p.m. and there is still no one present either in person or on zoom.
VACATION OF 4TH STREET: Hearing at 6:08 p.m. no members of the public present and no objections have been logged.
Public Portion- Curt and Tyler here to answer any questions on the disc golf proposal that Ashton and Tyler submitted.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Fitzgerald at 6:12 p.m.
Changes to Agenda
Under approval/changes to minutes, add 3 complaints under Mayor. Motion by Watts second by Koropatnicki to approve changes to agenda. Motion carries.
Motionby Koropatnicki,second by Watts to approve June’s meeting minutes. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Old Business
- Ambulance budget- Tabled. Michelle presented information that council will review and look at again next meeting.
- Budget-Lisa showed example of reformatted cash balance report. Council thought easier to read than the computer generated one so will present in this format going forward.
- 5th Street Parking- Motion by Huttunen second by Watts to install six No Parking signs along the west side of 5th St S. stating no parking from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
- Drainage ditch west of Gastrak- Gary gave update from the hearing he attended on city’s behalf. Gastrak is going to hire engineer to look at it and go from there.
Committee Reports:
- Fire Department- Chief Eisenbeis discussed the condition of the fire hall and some repairs and maintenance that will need to be done in the near future including siding and some roof repairs.
- Rec Bd Pavilion- Lisa asked on behalf of Brenda about sending the contractor a letter with a deadline for completion. Gary advised he had spoken to Nathan and will be here this week or next to complete. Tabled.
- Red Bd Disc Golf Course- Council reviewed the proposal from the Seeds. The total amount is $6,500 for the course they presented. They are hoping the city will match the funds they raise through grants or fundraising. Ordering and installation will be taken care of by friends of Tyler and Ashton Seed. Motion by Watts second by Martin to pursue the raising of funds for the disc golf course. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Employee Report/Concerns-
- Loader lease- Motion by Koropatnicki second by Martin to accept the quote from RDO on the new loader lease of $17,077.13 for two years with a purchase option of $136,994. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
- Mosquito chemical- Motion by Koropatnicki second by Huttunen to purchase a barrel of mosquito chemical. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
- Pembina Court Lot 18 leak- Gary informed council that lot 18 at the Pembina Court has a leak like the other one Twamley repaired recently and wondering if want it fixed. Motion by Watts second by Huttunen to have Twamley repair lot #18 water leak. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Engineer Report/Brad Bail –
- Pembina River Bridge- Looking for an available contractor because it is specialized work dealing with a bridge. Checking with state to see if they have availability to do the work with the cost share. Must be able to inspect by November.
- Sewer drain holes-The catch basins will be approximately $750 to repair and another $750 for the ones that need casting.
- Street repairs- Discussed the different areas needing repairs.
Attorney Update / Rob Fleming-
- Update condemned buildings- Motion by Watts second by Martin to condemn Ernie Ruet D’auetuil’s home at 272 W. Stutsman Street based on the findings of inspector Mr. Boura. Upson receipt of the report from Mr. Boura stating the building is a “dangerous building with the terms of Section 10.0401 subsection 6 hereof, written notice was legally sent to the owner on records of the County Recorder to appear before city council on this date. Mr. Ruet D’auetuil did not appear in person or via zoom. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Motion by Watts second by Martin to condemn David Thompson’s home at 341 Cavalier Street based on the findings of inspector Mr. Boura. Upson receipt of the report from Mr. Boura stating the building is a “dangerous building with the terms of Section 10.0401 subsection 6 hereof, written notice was legally sent to the owner on records of the County Recorder to appear before city council on this date. Mr. Thompson did not appear in person or via zoom. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
- 4th Street vacation- Motion by Martin second by Watts to vacate the part of 4th Street running between Block 34 and Bock 57, North of the State Highway 59 right of way of the Original Townsite of the city of Pembina, North Dakota as well as the alley running between Lots 1-5 and Lots 14-18, North of the State Highway 59 right of way and the alley running between Lots 5 and 14 and Lots 6-13 North of the State Highway 59 right of way. All in Block 34 of the Original Townsite to the City of Pembina. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Council business/concerns-
- Kid’s summer entertainment- Martin was talking with another parent about summer entertainment and splash pad was brought up. They are wondering what process if a possibility to pursue. They will research costs and come up with a plan. Contact Park River Parks & Rec or Grand Forks Park District. Taryn mentioned slip and slide baseball as something as well.
- N/S alley/OTPCO pole (Nords/Whites on Moorhead Street-Martin brought up that the alley needs a small culvert to make better access to the back yards. After meeting Brad will go with to look at it. Oliver asked about the location of the Ottertail pole. Will need to talk to Ottertail regarding this. Gary will talk to Don next time he is town.
Update & Business: Mayor –
- Complaints- Three complaints have been received. First complaint is regarding a dog not on a leash and roaming into other’s yards. Lisa will send a reminder to the dog owner about the leash and license law. Second complaint is regarding vacant dilapidated sheds on two properties in town that are attracting critters and stray cats with no collars. Lisa will send the two owners letters. The third complaint is regarding the restrooms in South Pembina. Last weekend there was no paper products and feces on the floor. Mayor wants a formal warning, the one and only, to be given to the janitor. Lisa will notify the janitor of this warning.
Update & Business: City Auditor/Lisa Hall
- Motion by Watts second by Martin to approve the May financials and June bills as presented. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
- Wifi South Pembina- Lisa presented the quote from Polar to install. Decision was made to not pursue.
- Midco- Lisa is waiting for replies from other cities on their agreements with companies and having equipment on the water towers.
Motion to adjourn by Watts at 7:56 p.m.
By: Mayor, Mike Fitzgerald
Attested to: Lisa Hall, Auditor