Official Minutes for August 14th, 2017 Pembina City Council Meeting
Council Members Present: Mayor Kyle Dorion, President Ron Fritz, VP Allen Huttunen, Corie Koropatnicki, Connor Snitker, Melissa Hilliard
City Employees Present: Lisa Plante, Auditor/Administrator, Gary Helland/Public Works Superintendent
City Attorney Present: Rob Fleming
City Engineer Absent: Brad Bail
Absent: Cody Carpenter
Others present: Phil Hall and Crystal Volk
Public Portion
Crystal addressed council on various items.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Dorion at 6:06 p.m.
Changes to Agenda
Add pay loader lease, crack sealing and gravel under Gary, add crosswalk/grant and campground under Lisa, add daycare under New business. Motion by Koropatnicki, second by Snitker to accept the changes to agenda. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Motionby Huttunen, second by Fritz to approve July meeting minutes with changes; Ayes all present. Motion carries. “Motion by Fritz second by Snitker to clarify previous motion that any contractor hired to do street repair must use a packer to finish the project. Ayes by all present. Motion carries.”
Old Business
- Levee- Motion by Koropatnicki second by Hilliard to approve the final pay request to Red Lake Builders. Ayes to all present. Motion carries.
- Bret Corneliusen –Tabled.
- Ernie D’auetuil – Tabled.
Engineer Report/Brad Bail –
Presented council with the options for the 5th Street S. project. Council wants to review more. Tabled. Tested the paint on the bridge and it is lead. Had the drone up and inspected under the bridge. Gave update on findings. Also flew the drone down 5th Street S. and the lagoon.
Attorney Update / Rob Fleming-Gave second reading of OHV ordinance. Motion by Snitker, second by Huttunen to approve second reading of the Off Highway Vehicle ordinance. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Employee Report/Concerns-
- Maguire Iron contract – Contract is up and new one needs to be signed for the water tower tank and the clear well. Motion by Koropatnicki, second by Hilliard to approve the Maguire iron contracts. Ayes by all present. Motion carries.
- Rolette & Division patching- Gary presented council with the county’s bid for street patching. Motion by Koropatnicki, second by Fritz to accept the bid from Pembina County for street patching and pay out of the Pembina Court fund. Ayes by all present. Motion carries.
- 5th Street Cole- Gary will have Jason at Coles get a quote for repairs of the section on 5th Street South dug up when they had a break.
- Speed bumps-Melissa- Melissa inquired for someone who complained to her on why the speed bumps were in South Pembina. Lisa informed she had a request in beginning of season by a resident that the speed bumps go back up because the traffic was speeding by Beaupre Street again.
- 5th Street water break MCI- There was a water break at MCI and Gary was inquiring whose responsibility to pay for repairs. Lisa will look in policy/ordinance and pay or bill accordingly.
- Loader lease- Presented council with new lease options as our lease is up in October. Gary will get more information about other options.
- Crack sealing- Gary updated what streets were all completed this year and what was going to be starting point in the spring. All oil has been used and will not be ordering more until next year.
- Gravel- Gary gave Lisa a list of the worst alley’s that need holes filled. A couple have been done but now that they are finished crack sealing for the season they will work on the rest of them.
Update & Business: Mayor – nothing at this time
Update & Business: City Auditor
- The July financials and August bills were reviewed and approved.
- Bids- Presented bids for city property from Chad Cosley and Greg Volk. Tabled until September meeting. Council would like Chad to attend September’s meeting.
- NDLC Annual Conference- Council needs to let Lisa know by August 31st if they wish to attend this year’s conference in Fargo.
- Crosswalks- The DOT Stutsman safety project that the city is receiving cost-share with ND DOT is a project that will not begin until the 2018 season.
- Campground- Lisa once again explained the process to collecting campground fees.
Committee Reports:
Mayor Dorion appoints Mike Fitzgerald to the Recreation Board Committee. Motion by Hilliard second by Snitker to accept Mayor Dorion’s appointment of Mike Fitzgerald to the Recreation Board Committee. Ayes by all present. Motion carries.
- Daycare- Koropatnicki inquired about the mowing at the daycare because someone was claiming it wasn’t mowed all summer. The daycare had been mowed and trimmed. Mayor Dorion reminded everyone that it is in the daycare contract that it is their responsibility to take care of mowing and snow removal and they do have a mower and trimmer that was purchased with the grant. The city mowing and trimming for them is a courtesy and is not a requirement.
New Business
- 152 Hayden St W-Fire Dept training burn-The Fire department can take care of organizing this.
Motion to adjourn by Fritz at 8:00 p.m.
By: ___________________________________
Mayor, Kyle Dorion
Attested to: _________________________________
Lisa Plante, Auditor/Administrator