
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

Official July 8, 2024, CIty Council Meeting Minutes

Official Minutes for July 8th, 2024, Pembina City Council Meeting


Date: July 8th,2024, called to order at 6:00 pm

Council members present: J Watts, K Norby, A Huttunen, C Snitker (left at 6:20pm , returned at 8:21pm), K Needham, S Carattini

Absent: Mayor M Fitzgerald

Guests: G Koropatnicki, City Super; T Stoiber, City Auditor; R Fleming, City Attorney; D Fanfulfik, City Engineer;A Eisenbeis PVFD, P Hall, B Kneeshaw, M Florez

·        Changes to Agenda: Greg: Add Mosquito Spraying, Knife River Repairs, Tower Updates, ND State Health Inspector; S Pembina inert landfill. Motion to approve by Huttunen, 2nd by Carattini, all ayes present, motion carries.

·        Approval/Changes to June 10th, 14th, & 28th Meeting Minutes Motion to approve by Huttunen, 2nd by Carattini, all ayes present, motion carries.

·        Old Business

o   Garbage/Recycling/City Clean Up Day – On schedule, Huttunen will be creating list of acceptable items, flyers, etc. “Stuff” can start going out to curb on 7/27/24

o   Automated Water Meter Readers – 196 completed; 2 more classes on software upcoming

o   Northeast Regional Water Fees Contract – still under old contract for 21 years

o   Daycare Center—no update

o   Generator Update—Maintenance Contract for Fire Department & Community Center? No update

o   DFA property at 601 W Stutsman—waiting report from inspector; it’s considered repairable, not condemnable; squatters on roof

o   Ambulance Building Maintenance—tabled

  • Committee Reports

o   Fire Department--no report

  • Quote for electrical drop down cords $2490—who is to pay? FD needs to get a second quote
  • Update on equipment—got 5 new harnesses & seven masks that cost $28000; need 5 more harnesses & 20 more masks; Engine 2 needs about $7000 in repairs; Quick Attack—foam needs to be flushed; need more quotes, more info
  • Update on radio upgrade—cost of $55000 for 800mghz radios. May get funding from a grant. Huttunen made motion to loan $55000 until PVFD gets grant, then PVFD reimburses the City; 2nd by Carattini; withdrawn by Huttanen
  • Hydrant testing—pressure testing to be done every 3 years
  • Budget due before August 12, 2024

o   Rec Board –  no report –wants City to pay for sinkhole; motion by Huttunen for City to pay, 2nd by Needham; Needham abstained; Carattini & Norby Nay, Huttunen Ay; motion fails 2 to 1.

o   4th of July Committee – Steel Canopy & Table construction started? Tabled. Council wants Committee to know how much they appreciate the effort & excellence that went into the celebration. It was fantastic.

·        EmployeesReport/Concerns

o   Greg –

o   Mosquito Spray $1800/55 gal drum, $100/drum for flushing agent; Huttunen made motion to purchase chemicals, 2nd by Norby; all ayes, motion carries.

o   What to do with old fogger? Motion by Carattini to sell via sealed bids; 2nd by Norby with stipulation City can reject any or all bids. Get bids by August 9. All ayes present, motion carries.

o   Knife River street repairs—will be coming this week

o   Tower updates-AE2S inserted new program to help with power outages

o   ND Health Inspector—lagoon fence fixed, chlorine tester to be re-calibrated; Greg is working on emergency plan for city

o   Issues with the S Pembina Inert Landfill—posted issues on City Website

o   Advertising for assistant? Tabled to next month

o   JR Waste: Valve blocks cleaning—cleaning 3 by tower & checking the others

·Engineer Report – Dustin Fanfulik

o   Lidar map—finished 1st part, will be getting maps for Greg & auditor

o   Lagoon/Lagoon Valve—drain pit & valve to drain plans still in progress

o   Stutsman St—no updates

·Attorney Update

o   Storage Unit Leases/Liability—security deposits? Will create new leases, with damage deposits, forfeiture of goods

o   Applications for utility hookup—should new residents be charged deposit of $250 that wb held for 1 year? Does City need an application including social security numbers, phone numbers, email addresses, to assist with collections? Tabled to next month

o   Trailer Parks Leases implement mobile home lien if delinquent on lot rent—what is lease duration?

o   Discussion on utility disconnections verbiage for non-payment &/or non-compliance with meter changes & Lead Line Inventory—25th of July send letter & ordinance to citizens who are non-compliant; Carattini made motion to charge $50/month starting August 25 for non-compliance, & continue for 3 months, then council discussion to shut off in November; 2nd by Needham; all ayes, motion carries. Posted on City website.

o   Discussion on “late fees” on utility bills—tabled to next month

o   Discussion on charging for certified letters for lawn ordinance violations & utility billing—City is not required to send utility bills certified. Motion by Huttunen to stop sending certified letters for utility bills; 2nd by Carattini; Needham recused; all ayes, motion carries.

o   Frank Moll Will Distribution—initial funds distribution within a couple of weeks (by end of July)

·Update & Business: Mayor/Mike Fitzgerald—not present

  • Update & Business:City Auditor/Teri Stoiber

o   June Bills & Financials + cash balance report—motion to accept as presented by Huttunen, 2nd by Carattini, all ayes present, motion carries.

o   Delinquent Accounts Update: city is not a bank. City needs to discourage late/delinquent accounts—was able to collect $900 from 271 N 2nd St. in June. Down to $5059.66 in delinquent accounts.

o   City Ordinance 7.0224 states every person/entity that owns property within the City is to report all addresses they are in control of to the City Auditor & whether they are vacant lots ($13.20/month minimum/month) or residential/businesses ($68.12 minimum/month), for the purposes of utility billing. Posting on City website, & sending letters to every billing customer.

o   City Water/Sewer Utility Policy clarification –motion to table until next month by Huttunen, 2nd by Needham, all ayes, motion carries.

o   Utility Billing Software Research Update –motion to table until next month Huttunen, 2nd by Carattini, all ayes, motion carries.

o   Small CD (less than $6000) maturing 7/17/24—motion to put funds into General Fund (NOW account) by Huttunen, 2nd by Carattini; all ayes, motion carries.

o   Northdale Oil is offering Summer Fill & PreBuy Options—motion by Carattini to enroll in prebuy amount in the amount of $11352.74, 2nd by Huttunen, all ayes, motion carries.

o   Received Property Insurance Invoice & updatemotion to pay $5574 by Huttunen, 2nd by Needham, all ayes, motion carries.

o   Received Twamley invoice for Rec Board for sinkhole: $612.50 Rec Board to pay from their account

o   Received Twamley invoice for Curbstop replacement at 263 W Ramsey: motion to approve $1322.50 by Carattini, 2nd by Huttunen, all ayes, motion carries.

o   Received invoice from Widseth $832.50—motion to approve by Huttunen, 2nd by Carattini, all ayes, motion carries.

o   Transferring from 2010 Water Fund for $138,576.25 to cover bond payments made from general fund.

o   Transferring funds ($114107.73) from 2010 Water Fund to General Fund.

o   Accounts are being cleaned up.

o   The multiple property people/entities will receive all their bills together. Will be emailing 4 commercial accounts their invoices in an effort to expedite payment.

  • New Business

o   Vanguard—citizens do not have to let them in

o   Building Permits—motion by Huttunen to approve Schiltz permit; 2nd by Norby; all ayes, motion carries

o   Police presence in City—Fleming to speak to Terry

o   Septic tank monitoring in S Pembina (campground bathrooms)--Rec Board asked City to check, Greg will try to monitor

o   Tree Pile commercial dumping—need to apply for burn permit; someone has been dumping building materials, not putting thing in correct areas

o   Road to Lagoon—who is responsible? Motion by Norby to gravel the road, 2nd by Carattini, Nay by Huttunen; ayes 3 to 1, motion carries. Greg will get quote.

o   Bar seating children allowed? Until 9 p.m. if eating with parents, else no; Motion by Huttunen that all food places with liquor license allow minors in bar area until 9 p.m. so long as eating with parents; 2nd by Norby, all ayes, motion carries.

o   Underage bar staff? Can deliver liquor, can’t open cans/bottles or pour/mix drinks.

o   Tree removal? Watts can tear down problem trees; Mike’s Parcel has tree on roof; Huttunen made motion to get a contractor & quote to remove the tree; 2nd by Needham; all ayes, motion carries.

o   City property trees? Tabled to next meeting

o   Renewal dates for Liquor & Gaming Licenses? Motion by Needham to change date to calendar year & 2025 will be prorated; 2nd by Carattini, all ayes, motion carries.

o   Ken Norby: Issues with filling in drainage areas, etc.—no permits were pulled. Increase building permit fee? Post on website ALL construction needs permit. Permit fee increases tabled to next month

o   Ken Norby: Utility bill due dates (see info under City Auditor) tabled to next month.

o   Reorganization of committees will be done as a special meeting or at the next regular meeting

·Motion to adjourn at 8:39 p.m. by Needham.

  • By: President J Watts
  • Attested to: T Stoiber, City Auditor
  • The next City Council Meeting will be held on August 12, 2024, at 6:00 pm in the Professional Building.