
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

Feb. 1, 2005

City of Pembina

Pembina, North Dakota 58271


Minutes of Feb. 1, 2005 Council Meeting


Attendance:   Beverly Burke, Kyle Dorion, Richard Senum, Nancy Thompson, Mayor Warren Hillukka.  Absent: John Feldman, Pat Burton

Present: K. Johnson, Aud./Adm.; Attorney Scott Strand, Pearson & Christensen, Dan Johnson of WSN

Others Present: Ken Norby


There being no one present for public hearing, the Regular Meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Mayor Hillukka.

1. Changes to agenda: River Keepers, Lake Agassiz Water Association, Masonic Lodge

2. Motion by Thompson, second by Dorion, to approve January minutes as printed. Motion carried unanimously.

3. City Attorney Update: no report

4.  Employee Report:  a) Review of staff and auditor goals/priority lists. Ken is checking into prices for a new flood pump.  b) TEAM’s bid for weed spraying presented. Motion by Senum, second by Dorion, to accept this bid.  Motion carried unanimously.  c) Auditor approved to go to March Madness.

5. Mayor’s Update: a) Architect Jasmer is beginning work on Community Center.  b) Water rate/Connection fees will be reviewed by ND Rural Water Association for free.  c) TIF district public hearing on Motel set for 7 p.m. on March 7, prior to regular city council meeting.  d) Lake Agassiz WSA and River Keepers requests for funding received no motion.  e) Otter Tail received a request to change billing on Masonic Lodge, but city has no key to the facility.

6. Auditor’s Report: a) January collections/disbursements and general ledgers reviewed & approved.  b) Budget to actual reviewed. c) Bills to be paid approved.  d) Motion by Dorion, seconded by Thompson, to approve Pledge of Securities for Dec. 31, 2004.  Motion carried unanimously. 

7.  Committee Reports:  a) Personnel – will finish employee evaluations and consider carry-over of vacation.  b) Growth – Reviewed Sales Tax Criteria & agreed to oversee initial applications. Council made further changes to Sales Tax Criteria application.

c) Recreation – will meet in Feb. d) Forestry – meeting set for Feb. 4.

8.  Issues:  none.

9.  Motion to adjourn by Burke at 8:45 p.m.


                                                                                                By:  Warren Hillukka, Mayor

Attested to:    K. Johnson, City Aud/Adm