
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

January 10th, 2022 Minutes

Official Minutes for January 10th, 2022, Pembina City Council Meeting

Council Members Present: Mayor Mike Fitzgerald, President Jeff Watts, VP Ron Fritz, Greg Koropatnicki, Jennifer Martin, Pat Burton and Allen Huttunen

Absent: None


City Employees Present: Gary Helland/Public Works Superintendent

City Attorney Present: Rob Fleming

City Engineer: Brad Bail

Others Present: Blaine Eisenbeis, Betty Pelletier, Pat Swift and Mason Peters

Public Portion: No one present

Meeting called to order by Mayor Fitzgerald at 6:00pm


Changes to Agenda

Move update and business/Mayor from under number 9 to number 3. Motion by Watts seconded by Fritz to approve agenda as amended. Ayes all present. Motion carries.

Motion by Fritz, second by Huttunen to approve December’s meeting minutes. Ayes all present. Motion carries.


Update & Business: Mayor

  • Police contract – Fleming got population numbers from Lisa and has submitted to Terry. The changes need to go before the commission then back to the city.
  • Appoint pool committee members – Mayor appoints Jennifer Martin, Ron Fritz, Jon Warner, Gary Helland and Blaine Eisenbeis to the pool committee
  • Salary increases – Motion by Fritz second by Martin to increase employee wages by $1.00 per hour each. Ayes: Fritz and Martin. Nay: Koropatnicki, Watts, Burton, and Huttunen. Motion does not carry. Discussion on recent evaluations. Motion by Huttunen second by Watts to give a 2% increase across the board effective January pay. Ayes: Huttunen, Koropatnicki, Burton, Matin and Watts. Nay: Fritz. Motion carries.


Old Business

  • Ambulance budget – received documentation for payroll for past 3 years. Betty requested that the funds that have been held be applied to the loan for the ambulance chassis. Motion by Huttunen to reinstall payment to the ambulance for the four months withheld. No second. Motion dies. Motion by Huttunen second by Fritz to restore the $3000 per month payment to the ambulance. Ayes: Fritz and Huttunen. Nay: Burton, Koropatnicki, Watts, and Martin. Motion does not carry. Motion by Koropatnicki second by Huttunen to pay the four back months for a total of $12,000 to be applied to the chassis loan and allow council another month to look into it. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
  • Drainage ditch west of Gastrak – Gary spoke to contractors and both said no work will be able to be done until spring. Have water board hold off on complaint until spring.
  • Generator at school – Tabled. State Side Electric told Gary suppliers need to come up and look at the spaces before being able to get a quote.
  • Garbage rates – Tabled.
  • Mike’s Parcel sign – Committee met and decided that the sign be moved as soon as feasible. Fleming suggested it is better for the city if sign comes out immediately. Committee did think it would be okay to put on railroad bed. Mason offered to keep the snow cleared around it if it could stay until thaw so the sign doesn’t get destroyed. Liability is the biggest issue with sign location. City will work with Mason on location for the sign.


Committee Reports

  • Fire Department – Chief Eisenbeis presented financials for 2021. He is requesting that the city pay for the fire halls heat and electricity. Motion by Huttunen second by Fritz to reimburse the propane and electric bill for the fire hall for the previous. Huttunen withdraws motion. Motion dies. Motion by Burton second by Huttunen to pay the heat and electric bill for the fire hall going forward. Ayes all present. Motion carries.


Employee Report/Concerns

  • Daycare heater – Heater in garage space is not working again. Contract items seven states lessee is responsible. Motion by Huttunen to accept the bid from State Side. Motion by Burton to split the cost of the heater with Kacie. Ayes: Martin, Fritz, Koropatnicki, Burton and Watts. Nay: none. Huttunen abstains. Motion carries.


Engineer Report/Brad Bail

  • Pembina River Bridge – Have not gotten final answer back yet on load rating. Can’t move forward on decision until we have this.
  • Street/Alley repairs – Did get a few shots of the back alley. Will work on it in the spring.


Attorney Update / Rob Fleming

  • Car Sale – The sale went well. Got enough for the sheriff’s fee and towing fee. Introduced Pat Swift who is running for Sheriff.


Update & Business: City Auditor

  • Motion by Watts second Martin to approve December financials and January bills as presented. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
  • Designate depositories of public funds – Motion by Watts second by Fritz to designate Koda Bank as depository of public funds.


Motion to adjourn by Fritz at 7:17pm