Pembina City Council
Special Meeting Minutes
Tuesday March 16, 2010
172 W. Rolette St.
Present: Mayor Warren Hillukka, Pat Burton, John Feldman, Kyle Dorion & Greg Wilmer. Deputy Auditor Lisa Plante
Absent: Debbie Stanhope, Bev Burke, Auditor /Administrator Nancy Thompson
Call to Order 5:30 P.M.
Motion by Dorion second by Feldman to direct HDR Engineering to conduct the levee study. Motion carries.
Motion by Feldman second by Dorion to direct the engineer to prepare detailed plans and specifications for the watermain and forcemain replacements as recommended in the preliminary engineering report. Motion carries.
Lisa will contact Dan Johnson regarding adding fire hydrants to the project.
Motion by Feldman to adjourn the meeting, 5:45 p.m.
By: Warren Hillukka, Mayor
Attested to: Lisa Plante, Deputy Auditor