
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

May 2017 Minutes

Official Minutes for May 8th, 2017 Pembina City Council Meeting

Council Members Present: Mayor Kyle Dorion, President Ron Fritz, VP Allen Huttunen, Cody Carpenter, Corie Koropatnicki


City Employees Present:   Lisa Plante, Auditor/Administrator, Gary Helland/Public Works Superintendent


City Attorney Present:  Rob Fleming

City Engineer Absent:  Brad Bail


Absent:   Joan Studeny and Connor Snitker


Others present:  Bret Crotty, David Kearns, Doc Johanneson, Brad Kiecker, Del Huttunen, George Christenson, Crystal Volk, Phil and Louise Hall, and Richard Varecka


Public Portion

Crystal Volk inquiring about mosquito dunks, street and alley repair.  Doc Johanneson here to discuss lagoon.  David Kearns inquiring about the alley behind the house he purchased.


Meeting called to order by Mayor Dorion at 6:10 p.m.


Changes to Agenda


Under Engineer add bridge inspection. Under Auditor add lots by Ryan Degelder, Richard Varecka proposal and city wide metal recycling. Add David Kearns’ alley under Attorney.  Motion by Fritz, second by Carpenter to accept the changes to agenda.  Ayes all present.  Motion carries.


Motionby Fritz, second by Huttunen to approve April meeting minutes; Ayes all present.  Motion carries.


Old Business

  • Levee- Tabled.


  • Bret Corneliusen –Tabled. 


  • Ernie D’auetuil – Tabled.


  • Spot Bar- Tabled.


  • Tree Pile- Lisa will work with Al on wording for the sign and get it ordered.  Motion by Huttunen second by Fritz to order 1 camera set for the tree pile provided not spending over $750.  Ayes by all present.  Motion carries.


  • Part time Public Works- Tabled.


Engineer Report/Brad Bail –   

Gave an overview of bridge inspections.  Replacement costs is in the 3 to 5 million dollar range.  Brad going to do an inspection on the Stutsman Bridge.  Presented council with options to repair section of S. 5th Street.  For the concrete paving option costs would be $503,391 and for the asphalt overlay $233,490.  Discussed some other streets that need some patching.


Attorney Update / Rob Fleming-

Brought the paperwork for the lot sale to Pep Crotty.  Alley is open so there should not be any issues for David Kearns having access.  Reviewed guidelines to selling city owned property. 


Employee Report/Concerns-

  • Crack SealMotion by Fritz, second by Carpenter to order 6 barrels of crack seal.  Ayes all present.  Motion carries.


  • Sweeper- Gary will get bid from Greg Fritz on the AC for the sweeper.  The other items that were not functioning properly Gary has fixed and has new brushes to put on.


  • Mowing dikes- Motion by Huttunen, second by Fritz to have Conestoga Farms mow the dikes.  Ayes all present.  Motion carries.


  • Lagoon chemical treatment – Doc Johanneson and Brad Kiecker discussed a different option for the lagoon.  Initially takes 825 gallons to shock the system and then 13 gallons per day to maintain.  Cost is $8/gallon.  City will send in information to the state and also find out if we would still need to upgrade to 3 cell.


  • Cardboard containers- Gary let council know the volume has still been high.


  • Speed bumps- S Pembina- Put the speed bumps back up in south Pembina but put the caps on the sides of them to prevent people from going around them.


  • Alleys-Structural maintenance- Fill the potholes in the alley’s that are currently graveled.  Gary will bring a list of alleys to next meeting of what has been done and what needs to be done.


Update & Business:  Mayor – Mayor Dorion appointed Shannon Cosley, Vanessa Trosdahl and Renee Thomas to the Library Board.  Motion by Huttunen second by Fritz to accept Mayor Dorion’s appointment.  Ayes by all present.  Motion carries.


Update & Business:  City Auditor

  • The April financials and May bills were reviewed and approved. 


  • Harold Rotunda- Reviewed financials with council.  Requested that council decide on the 2016 financials if they want to clean it up or leave it as is when closing.


  • Golf course lease- Motion by Huttunen second by Fritz to resign the golf course lease for a 5 year term at $1 per year.  Ayes by all present.  Motion carries.


  • Greg Volk -lots- Tabled.


  • Farol Ranes lot- Motion by Carpenter to sell Farol Ranes the lot next to her house for $1.  No second.  Motion dies.  Motion by Fritz second by Carpenter to sell Farol Ranes the lot she is interested in for legal fees of $250 plus $1.  Ayes to all present.  Motion carries.


  • Ryan Degelder lots- Tabled.  Will get more information on plans.


  • Trucks on Rolette St- Put NO TRUCK signs on Rolette from 2nd Street west.


  • Metal recycling- Watch the prices to see if they increase


  • Richard Varecka- Gave proposal.  Tabled.


Committee Reports:

  • Summer help- Motion by Fritz second by Carpenter to hire Austin Volk at $11.50 per hour, Josh Wilmer at $11.00 per hour and Oivind Helland at $10.50 per hour.  Ayes to all present.  Motion carries. 


New Business

  • Mosquito expenses- Motion by Huttunen second by Koropatnicki to purchase 2 -55 gallon drums of chemical from Northern Minnesota Mosquito Control.  Ayes to all present.  Motion carries.


Motion to adjourn by Fritz at 8:20 p.m.



             By:  ___________________________________

                      Mayor, Kyle Dorion



Attested to:  _________________________________      

                       Lisa Plante, Auditor/Administrator