City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
Minutes of September 30, 2002
Special Council Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Attendance: Council: Richard Senum, John Feldman, Warren Hillukka, Jeff Carpenter, Larry Pelletier Absent: Beverly Burke
Others Present: Aud/Admin. Kathy Johnson
Special Meeting called to order 7:08 P.M. by W. Hillukka
1. Following discussion and upon recommendation by Attorney Fleming, Motion by Senum, second by Feldman, to accept Mayor Burton’s resignation as of Sept. 13. Motion carried. Motion by Feldman, second by Pelletier, to appoint Warren Hillukka as mayor until the next election. Motion carried, 100% voting aye.
2. Motion by Feldman, second by Carpenter, to pay insurance premium. Motion carried 100% 3. MCI issue: City cannot state their initial commitment until we know what the total amount will be. Requested a meeting with Mr. Trenbeth on this issue.
4. Motion by Senum, second by Carpenter, to accept the corrected budget for submission to the County. Motion carried.
5. Motion by Feldman, second by Senum, to move the October meeting to Tuesday, Oct. 8. Motion carried.
6. Motion to adjourn by Feldman at 10:40.
By: Warren Hillukka, Mayor
Attested to: K. Johnson, City Aud/Adm