March 2014 Minutes
City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
152 W. Rolette St.
Official Minutes March 10th, 2014 City Council Meeting
Council Members Present: Mayor Kyle Dorion; Council – John Feldman, Bev Burke, Debbie Stanhope, Greg Wilmer and Greg Truax
Absent: Dan Waldrop
City Employees Present: Auditor Nancy Thompson and Public Works Ken Norby.
City Attorney: Rob Fleming.
City Engineer: Brad Bail.
- Others Present: Greg & Corie Koropatnicki, Nancy Feldman,Nate Dalager /HDR, Gray Helland
Public Portion
- Nate Dalager (HDR) – Gave Council a levee update. The NDSWC is meeting next Monday and the city is on their agenda .Nate and Warren won’t be going but Nate said someone from the city should be there to represent the city .He thought Ken was a good choice .Ken will attend the NDSWC meeting in Bismarck on March 17th as the city representative. The city is ready to advertise for construction bids on the levee. Bids for this will be opened on April 14th at 4:30 p.m.
- Gary Helland – Here about his water line that had a break.
Regular Meeting: Called to order by Mayor Dorion at 6:10 p.m.
- Changes / Addition Made Agenda:
Motion by Wilmer second by Stanhope to accept changes / additions to agenda. - Ayes by all present.
2. Approval/ Changes February Minutes:
Motion by Wilmer second by Truax to approve February minutes. - Ayes by all present.
3. Old Business:
- Levee – Stanhope moved to accept the Resolution approving Engineer’s report of Detailed Plans and Specifications for the Flood protection system modification second by Burke .Ayes, Truax, Stanhope, Burke and Wilmer Nays: none absent and not voting, Feldman and Waldrop. Motion carried Burke moved to accept the Resolution directing advertisings for bids on the Flood protection system modification second by Stanhope. Ayes, Truax, Stanhope, Burke and Wilmer Nays: none absent and not voting, Feldman and Waldrop. Motion carried.
- Bret Corneliusen – Waiting for him to start working on his house. - keep on old business
- Coin operated Water Station- Still being worked on.- keep on old business
- Pest detective (dike) - Will contact in spring. - keep on old business
- Red River approach - Fix in spring 2014. - keep on old business
- Fed Ex Sewer hookup - Haven’t heard if this is done. - keep on old business
- Spot Bar – Auditor Thompson contacted Pembina County Auditor on the city purchasing this property. Just waiting to hear back from county.
- PCC tiles - Auditor Thompson contacted Jim Holmquist on installing the rest of the ceramic tiles. He said he would do it when he has time.
- Ernie Ruet D’auetuil – Waiting for spring then the garage located on his property on 3rd will be tore down and hauled out. – Keep on old business
- Additional light at boat ramp - Warrenwill look at this in the spring and get back to Nancy. – Keep on old business
4. Engineer Report/Brad Bail:
- Water/Sewer project – Reviewed with Council final numbers from Spruce to close out project. Motion by Wilmer second by Truax to pay Spruce Valley $136,888.95 to close out project. Ayes, Truax, Stanhope, Burke and Wilmer Nays: none absent and not voting, Feldman and Waldrop. Motion carried. Bail will talk to Spruce on the water break at Gary Helland and give them a copy of the cost.
5. Attorney Update:
- Police contract – Contract was review by Council and there were a few changes they wanted made to it before approved .Rob will make the changes and see if the county is ok with the changes.
- PE Fire Dep letter – Discussion was had on the letter he drafted on smoking in the fire hall and having a sleep room in there. (see attachment )
Councilmen Feldman enters meeting 6: 45 p.m.
6. Employees Report/Concerns:
- Team lab- 2014 spraying prices. Motion by Feldman second by Wilmer to have Team Lab spray again this year: pond, broadleaf & golf course fairway. Ayes Stanhope, Burke, Wilmer and Truax Nays: none. Absent and not voting, Waldrop. Motion carried.
- PWS Norby-
o Discussed snow removal with council and would like some kind of snow removal policy to follow for public works employees. Rob will draft this policy and have Council review it.
o Norby was also wondering about the details within city minutes. Rob let him and Council know the minutes are being done correct and within the means of the law.
o Norby discussed with Council looking at retiring in a few years and if he would get something like George Motl did when he retired since when he was first hired there wasn’t retirement. Council reminded Norby that George got what he did because there was no retirement plan at that time like now.
7. Update & Business: Mayor
8 Update & Business: City Auditor/ Nancy Thompson
- Feb 2014 Financials - financials reviewed and approved. Motion by Feldman second by Wilmer to transfer from fund 310 into fund 232. Ayes Stanhope, Burke, Wilmer and Truax Nays: none. absent and not voting, Waldrop. Motion carried.
- March 2014 bills –bills reviewed and approved
- Petition for nomination for upcoming city election- Due in by 4:00 p.m. Monday April 7thto Auditors office .Will put another ad in paper with the date.
9. Committee Reports:
- Personal Committee -Employee evaluations /raises will be done April 14th after the bid opening if time allows otherwise it will be done after the regular council meeting .Employees have not had a raise or evaluations since October 2012 .
10. New Business:
11. Adjournment: Motion by Burke to adjourn at 7:30 p.m.
By: ___________________________________
Mayor, Kyle Dorion
Attested to: _________________________________
Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator