
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

Official Minutes for July 16th, 2018 Pembina City Council Preliminary Budget Meeting

Council Members Present: Mayor Kyle Dorion, President Ron Fritz, VP Connor Snitker, Allen Huttunen, Cody Carpenter.


Absent: Melissa Hilliard, Mike Fitzgerald


City Employees Present:   Lisa Hall, Auditor/Administrator, Gary Helland, Public Works Superintendent


Others Present: Harold Rotunda


Meeting called to order by Mayor Dorion at 6:07 p.m.


  • Preliminary Budget-Harold discussed revenue/expenses and different budget options. Discussed what current mills are at. If council decides to increase Lisa has to turn in to county by August 10th. A public meeting will need to take place be after September 3rd, 6pm and before Oct 1st. The breakdown of mills per fund discussed would be general at 101.93, emergency at 2.5, airport at 2, library at 2, cemetery at 2, recreation at 5 and city share at 22.57 which make the preliminary tax levy of $176,367.74. Motion by Snitker second by Huttunen to set the preliminary tax levy at $176,367.74. Roll call ayes: Huttunen, Snitker, Carpenter and Fritz. Nayes: none. Absent and not voting: Hilliard and Fitzgerald. Motion carries.


  • Renting lots-Cole- Sobering did not want to rent only purchase. Cole’s would like to rent the lots. Motion by Snitker second by Hilliard to rent the lots by GHY to Cole for $1750.00 per month. Ayes by all present. Motion carries.


  • South 2nd Street bids-Gary presented the 2 bids pointing out the scope of work is different on them. Table until next meeting. Get 2 bids with same scope of work.


  • NDLC Annual meeting-Lisa asked if anyone wished to attend this year. Have to register soon.


    Motion to adjourn by Fritz at 6:09 p.m.


By: Mayor, Kyle Dorion


Attested to: Lisa Hall, Auditor/Administrator