Unofficial Minutes for December 17, 2024, Special Pembina City Council Meeting
Date: December 17, 2024
Council Members Present: Mayor Fitzgerald, J Watts, K Norby, C Snitker, A Huttunen, S Carattini
Council Members Absent: K Needham
Guests: Rob Fleming, City Attorney; T Stoiber, City Auditor
Special Council Meeting called to order at 6:13pm by Mayor Fitzgerald.
- Motion by A Huttunen to approve local gaming permit for North Border Pembina Northern Lights, 2nd by Snitker; all ayes, motion carries.
- Motion by Snitker to approve prorated liquor licenses for The Bridgestone, DFA, Lamoure Memorial Golf Club, and Kern Thompson Post #77, American Legion, 2nd by A Huttunen; all ayes, motion carries.
- NB Boosters need to approve their Gaming site Authorization to be prorated as well. Motion to approve site application on receipt of application with no changes by Snitker, 2nd by A Huttunen; all ayes, motion carries.
- Stoiber received a notice for mills on what was billed to property tax holders by county; wasn’t what was approved by council in September meeting. It is 39.43 mills higher than approved. Fleming went to County and tried to figure out what happened. City can either leave it and hold onto excess toward 2025 tax statements, or pay $1000 to fix it. Motion by Watts to have it corrected by county, 2nd by A Huttunen. Role call vote: Watts, Carattini, Snitker, Norby, A Huttunen all ayes; Needham absent. Motion carries.
Motion to adjourn by Huttunen at 6:45, 2nd by Watts.
By Mayor Mike Fitzgerald
Attested to: City Auditor Stoiber