October 2013 Minutes
City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
152 W. Rolette St.
Official Minutes October 14th, 2013 City Council Meeting
Attendance Council meeting:Council PresidentJohn Feldman (acting Mayor) Council, Bev Burke, Debbie Stanhope, and Dan Waldrop.
Present: Aud. /Adm. Nancy Thompson and Public works Ken Norby, City Engineer Brad Bail, Attorney Rob Fleming
Absent: Greg Truax and Greg Wilmer.
Others Present: Greg Koropatnicki, Nancy Feldman, Tom Masloski and Holly Phillips.
Public Portion Tom Masloski was here about his sewer line at his commercial property
Regular Meeting: Was called to order by (acting Mayor) Feldman at 6:30 p.m.
2. Changes made to agenda: Modifications made to the agenda include the following over head garage doors at PE court, Coin operated waterier and water convention in Grand Forks that Kens attending. Motion by Burke second by Stanhope to accept changes to agenda. All present ayes. Motion carries. Motion by Stanhope second by Waldrop to approve September 9th minutes with changes and September 23rd. All present ayes. Motion carries.
3. Old Business: a) Ken let Council know the CORP was up and inspected the Coulee by Brenda Swynarchuck. The CORP let Ken know the bank is not moving nor is the propane tank and the bank and tank are safe and the tank is fine where it is. Nancy will send Brenda a letter on this. b) Motion by Burke second by Waldrop to reduce the off sale Beer & Liquor license fee from $1,250.00 to 625.00 and to reduce on sale Beer & Liquor license fee from $1,250.00 to 625.00 and to reduce on & off sale Beer & Liquor license fee from $2,500.00 to $1,250.00 and eliminate the Sunday opening fee. Roll call vote ayes Stanhope, Waldrop and Burke. Nays: None. Absent and not voting Wilmer and Truax. Motion carried.
c) The City web site is going to be redone. Ashley Anderson is going to be working on the new web site. d) Two company’s were contacted about Bret Corneliusen home. Both said to hire a contractor to come in and remove the moldy sheet rock. The one company let Nancy know that if it’s for the City then it involves a lot more. They would have to deal with bonding and insurance for the city and for a privet home owner you don’t. They might consider doing it for a private homeowner but not the city. Due to all the red tape they’d have to go through. The City Attorney will draft a letter and send to Bret on this. e) Ken let Council know the culvert by Mike’s warehouse and parcel service has been fixed to the point where it works. The west side of that culvert was filed with dirt and also the ditch there needs to be cleaned out. Council will look at having the ditch done in the spring .f) One garage door that was wrecked from vandalism this spring has been fixed down at Pembina Court. g) Public works employees are working on the coin waterier as time allows the pipe for it is in. h) the fan in the 1435 tractor is in but there’s still a few problems with it. i) Ken will be attending the water conference down in Grand Forks Oct 22-24 this gives him the hours he needs for recertification.
4. City Engineer: a)Update on water/ sewer project. Brad is working with spruce on the quantity discrepancy. Spruce is looking at the as builds on different parts of the project. Spruce was up this
weekend and did some measuring of the asphalt. Motion by Burke second by Waldrop to authorize city Attorney to file a summons and complaint on Spruce Valley to close out on the city’s water and force main project and a deadline of October 28th, 2014 to fix the sewer line at Tom Masloski commercial property and the asphalt in the alleys beside and behind the city’s Professional building. Otherwise the city will contract it out and come back to Spruce for payment on this. Roll call vote ayes Stanhope, Waldrop and Burke. Nays: None. Absent and not voting Wilmer and Truax. Motion carried. While City Attorney is working on the summons and complaint Brad is to still try and work with Spruce on finishing this project up. Council would like Ken to get a quote from a contractor for repairing the sewer line at Tom Masloski commercial property. b) Discussion was had on the Fed ex building and if that building was connected to the city’s sewer yet. As of date it is not. A letter will be sent to the owners of that building letting them know city ordinance doesn’t allow for septic tanks anymore if they can hook up to city sewer which they can . They need to hire someone to hook them up to the city’s sewer.
5. Attorney: a) Attorney drafted a resolution for MCI vacation of streets and alleys from 1962. Motion by Waldrop second by Stanhope to accept the resolution declaring vacation of public streets and alleys. Roll call vote ayes Stanhope, Waldrop, and Burke. Nays: None. Absent and not voting Wilmer and Truax. Motion carried. (see attachment) b) City Attorney let council know that on October4th under direction of acting Mayor Feldman that he filed with the court a summons and complaint on Ernie Ruet D’Auteuil . The court wants 14 days to respond on this. A court date and time has been set for this .Nancy will attend this hearing on behalf of the city.
6. Employee Report: a) Ken let Council know that the two city owned houses have been tore down and hauled out and buried. Jim Frons house that burned down has been clean up and hauled out. Jim Fron will be paying for his house being clean up and hauled out. b) The dike has been mowed and is ready for pest detective to come in .Nancy contacted them and they are looking at Oct 16th if it’s not too wet.
c) Ken let Council know all the fire hydrants have been flushed for this year. d) Ken and the Council discussed trucks parking on the west side of the street by the school and Mikes parcel. When you come out of the school parking lot onto Stutsman and trucks are parked there visibility of oncoming traffic is hard to see. A no parking from here to corner sign will be put up on the west side of that street. e) Summer help was discussed along with an end date. We still have one summer employee working for the city. Motion by Waldrop second by Stanhope with an end date of November 1st, 2013 for summer help employee Holly Phillips. All present ayes. Motion carried. f) Red River freight will be contacted again about fixing the side walk in front of their business on cavalier and putting in an approach like the Corner parcels. g) Winter preparedness being done by Ken and Greg h) Speed bumps in South Pembina will be removed soon for ease of snow removal .
7. Mayor Update: a) The amendment cost share agreement with the NDSWC came in and was signed by acting Mayor Feldman and mailed back.
- Aud. /Admin. Update: a) September financials reviewed and approved. b) October bills reviewed and approved. c) Motion by Burke second by Waldrop to take the 66,000.00 from fund account 228 for the account set up with Spruce. Roll call vote ayes Stanhope, Waldrop, and Burke. Nays: None. Absent and not voting Wilmer and Truax. Motion carried d) Nancy let Council she was in touch with Ardis Olson Mayor of Drayton about their police contract. Ardis emailed Nancy information on this (see attachment) e) Council has set the polling location to be at the Larry J Wilwant Community from 8:00a.m. - 8:00 p.m. for the January 7th, 2014 special election. f) Nancy let Council know the Ice rink has paid back a 1,000.00 to date for the feasibly study that was done for the ice rink .Ice rink still owes the rec brd $2,000.00. Nancy will be in contact with Ronda Warner on getting this paid back. g) Nancy will contact Sherriff Erovick on attending November’s meeting.
9. Committee Reports:
10. New Business:
Motion by Burke to adjourn at 7: 50 p.m.
By: ___________________________________
Council President, John Feldman (acting Mayor)
Attested to: _________________________________
Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator