March 2015 Minutes
Official Minutes March 9th, 2015 Pembina City Council Meeting
A public hearing was called at 5:45pm for the closing of an ally. Present from the public on this issue was Jerry Lyons and Oliver Hughes. They had no objection for the closing since it was for the ice rink.
Council Members Present: Mayor Kyle Dorion, Corie Koropatnicki, Allen Huttunen, Council VP Greg Truax, Joan Studeny and Ron Fritz
Absent: President Greg Wilmer
City Employees Present: Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator
Absent: Gary Helland, Public Works Superintendent
City Attorney Present: Rob Fleming
City Engineer Absent: Brad Bail, Widseth Smith Nolting
- Others Present: Gary SpeidelfromMDU, Representatives from GSA, MCI, Customs and Border Patrol, and Craig Lobson & Paul Casciano from Plasticom.
Public Portion
- Craig Lobson & Paul Casciano – Mr. Fleming, the city Attorney, had the bill of sale ready with the Council's stipulations on the sale of city property to Plasticom.
o Action: They are going to review the bill of sale and get back to the Council on any changes they would like made to it.
- Gary Speidel - Here to discuss with the Council about natural gas and what it takes to get it.
o Action: Mr. Speidel is going to check with the natural gas companies and see if they would allow the city of Pembina to tap into their lines. He will be in contact with the Mayor and Council to let them know what he finds out.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Dorion at 6:45pm.
Changes to Agenda
- No changes or additions made to agenda.
Motion by Mr. Huttunen, second by Mr. Fritz to accept the agenda. Ayes to all present. Motion carries.
Changes to February Minutes
Motion by Ms. Studeny, second by Mr. Huttunen to accept February’s minutes with changes. Ayes to all present. Motion carries.
Old Business
- WSN Feasibility study on paving streets – On hold until spring.
- Bret Corneliusen – Supposed to be back in May to finish up working on his house.
- Levee –The contract between the city and Red Lake Builders has been signed.
Engineer Report/Brad Bail
- Mr. Brad Bail – He has completed all the paperwork the state has requested for the final pay from the SRF loan.
Attorney Update
- Closing of Ally – There are no objections from the public.
Motion by Mr. Truax, second by Mr. Huttunen to accept the resolution vacating the alley lying between Lots 1-5 and 14-18, Block 39 in the city of Pembina. Ayes to all present. Motion carries.
- South Pembina Bridge The second reading for increasing the fine on semi-trucks crossing the bridge was read. This will be published in the paper for 2 weeks.
Motion by Mr. Fritz, second by Mr. Truax to accept the second reading to increase the fine for semi-trucks crossing S. Pembina bridge. Ayes to all present. Motion carries.
- City rental units –Ms. Thompson contacted Mr. Fleming to see what legal steps the city could take when a tenant is past due on their garage rent. Mr. Fleming let Council and Ms. Thompson know that the city can do a 3 day notice to quit this will terminated the lease.
o Action: Mr. Fleming will email Ms. Thompson a copy of a Notice to Quit. She can fill out and send by certified mail to the tenant.
- Bill of Sale – Mr. Fleming reviewed this with the Council. The Council has to wait and see if Plasticom has any changes they want made to it.
Update & Business: Mayor
Employee Report/Concerns
- Mr. Gary Helland – was gone but sent email to Ms. Thompson to review with the council. Street signs are ½ done and after those are finished the stops signs will be started. Kyle Twamley has started cleaning out ditches again this year to help open them up for the snow melt run off. 2015 spraying prices from Team Lab reviewed.
Motion by Mr. Huttunen, second by Mr. Fritz to have Team Lab spray again this year: pond, broadleaf & golf course fairway. Ayes to all present. Motion carries.
- 3rd & Jerome St. – Ms. Thompson discussed with Council putting up a stop or yield sign at one of these corners.
Motion by Mr. Huttunen second by Ms. Koropatnicki to put up a stop sign running east and west on the corner of Jerome & 3rd Street. Ayes to all present. Motion carries.
- Concession Stand – Ms. Thompson discussed with the Council that a decision has to be made on whether it gets moved, torn down or opened up. As of right now, the city is in noncompliance with the 44 CFR Part 80.19 Open Space Requirements. The city can be fined for this and it can possibly affect FEMA funding in the future if this is not resolved. The Council discussed different options for this building.
o Action: Mr. Fritz will go look at the concession stand to see how it is built. He will let Ms. Thompson know if it can be opened up and used as an open picnic shelter area, torn down, or if it is movable.
- Employee Job Logs – Ms. Studeny had some questions on the job logs. She understood why the Public works employees do them but not the Auditor. It is an office job and what is done is repetitious. She thinks it is a waste of time for the Auditor to do one and would like to see her stop doing it. The Council will discuss this.
Motion by Ms. Studeny, second by Mr. Fritz for Auditor to stop doing job logs. Ayes to Ms. Studeny, Mr. Fritz and. Truax. Nays to Mr. Huttunen & Ms. Koropatnicki. Mr. Wilmer is absent and not voting. Motion Caries
Update & Business: City Auditor
- The February financial and March bills were reviewed and approved.
Committee Reports
- Growth Committee- Ms. Koropatnicki updated the Council on where they are at for the Housing market survey and daycare.
- Natural Gas – Wait and see what Mr. Speidel finds out on tapping into the gas line.
This will be put under old business.
New Business
Motion to adjourn by Mr. Fritz at 7:35pm.
By: ___________________________________
Mayor, Kyle Dorion
Attested to: _________________________________
Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator