Official Minutes for July 8th, 2019 Pembina City Council Meeting
Council Members Present: Mayor Kyle Dorion, President Ron Fritz, VP Connor Snitker, Cody Carpenter, Allen Huttunen, Melissa Hilliard and Mike Fitzgerald
Absent: Lisa Hall, Auditor/Administrator
City Employees Present: Gary Helland/Public Works Superintendent, Blaine Eisenbeis/Public Works Assistant
City Attorney Present: Rob Fleming
City Engineer Present: Brad Bail
Others present: Phil Hall, Ron Koth/Barr Engineering, Harold Rotunda
Public Portion-6 p.m.
Harold here to advise council they need to decide if they want to keep option open to be able to review taxes further and keep option open to raise if needed.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Dorion at 6:03 p.m.
Changes to Agenda
Add taxes under Update & Business: Mayor. Motion by Hilliard, second by Fritz to approve changes to agenda. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Motionby Fritz,seconded by Fitzgerald to approve June’s minutes. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Old Business
Spot Bar- Tabled.
Engineer Report/Brad Bail – Ron Koth here to give presentation on low head dam and information about the removal of them. Motion by Snitker second by Huttunen to go ahead and get things in line for Ron to get us a proposal. Ayes all present. Motion carries. Brad discussed the drainage ditch at Gastrak and different options available. Brad will put together costs on the different options for next month.
Attorney Update / Rob Fleming-
Employee Report/Concerns-
Ditch on S. 2nd St (BP/Mason) (Al) - Motion Huttunen second by Hilliard to accept Twamley’s bid for the work on S. 2nd Street ditch. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Contract for booster lift station (Al) - Waiting yet to receive one. It has been serviced for this year.
Building permits-what’s covered (Al) - Motion by Huttunen second by Hilliard that anything that is to be constructed on, under or within the city right away has to come to the council for approval. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Mower break down (Al) - Al inquiring if it was a maintenance issue. The oil pressure pump is what went out on it which was connected to the block and that why motor had to be replaced. It is all covered under warranty.
Mosquito spraying (Al) - Al informed council he went to a class a couple years ago with Gary. Thought it was late for him to be spraying the other night. Al talked to the head of spraying in Grand Forks and also East Grand Forks on how they spray. Gary presented an email from our chemical supplier who is also the instructor of the class they attended and the way he is spraying is within the time frame to be effective. Al would like spraying broken into 2 nights instead of the 1 night until midnight. Connor advised to follow the advice of our chemical supplier.
Burn pile (Al)- Al reminded that we had discussed burning smaller piles and it hasn’t been burned yet and looks like it is getting quite large and some larger logs are pushed into pile instead of off to the side. Gary informed he pushes twice a week. He plans on burning as soon as the weather cooperates.
Update & Business: Mayor –
Annual reviews- Gary, Blaine & Lisa (review each employee individually not grouped together) - Motion by Snitker second by Fritz to give Gary a $1.00 per hour raise. Roll call vote: Ayes: Hilliard, Fritz, Snitker and Carpenter Nayes: Fitzgerald and Huttunen. Motion carries. Motion by Snitker second by Fritz to bring Blaine’s wage up to $19.00 per hour. Roll call vote: Ayes: Snitker, Fritz, Hilliard, Carpenter and Fitzgerald Nayes: Huttunen. Motion carries. Motion by Hilliard second by Fritz to give Lisa a $2.00 per hour raise. Roll call vote: Ayes: Huttunen, Snitker, Fritz, Hilliard, Carpenter and Fitzgerald Nayes: none. Motion carries.
Appointing Zelda- Motion by Snitker second by Hilliard to appoint Zelda Hartje as city assessor. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Taxes- Motion by Huttunen second by Snitker to raise our levy to 185 mills. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Update & Business: City Auditor
By: Mayor, Kyle Dorion
Attested to: Lisa Hall, Auditor/Administrator