
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

City of Pembina

Pembina, North Dakota 58271


Minutes of November 4, 2002 Council Meeting



Attendance: Mayor Warren Hillukka. Council; Richard Senum, Beverly Burke, Larry Pelletier, John Feldman, Jeff Carpenter.

Present: City Attorney Neil Fleming; K. Johnson, Aud/Adm.

Others Present: Larry Wilwant, David Giles, Gary Wilkie, Gary Helland, Melissa Grafe, Chris Benson, Michael LeFrance, Karen Johnson,Ken Norby, George Christenson.


Public Hearing called to order at 7:03 by Mayor Hillukka.

1. David Giles – Invisimax, a growing Wireless Internet Company, presented a plan to service the city of Pembina from the water tower. He had been approached by brokerages. Left packets of information with each council member.


2. Larry Wilwant – Showed a basin-wide flow map to explain the drains being enlarged do not help Pembina much. Fleming noted that this is the first time there has been international cooperation, and it is a first step.


3. Mike LaFrance of Widseth, Smith, and Nolting appeared; he is replacing Ron French. Suggested Invisimax bear the burden of liability and place equipment on the rails rather that the tank, if the council decided to approve water tower usage. City would have our engineer approve any tower usage plans. Will look at MCI ditch and assist with values for insurance purposes.


4. Representatives from the Golf Course. Feldman expressed that course should have funds for operation through spring. Motion by Feldman, second by Senum, to give 44,000 on top of previous bank payment to cover expenses until start-up in spring. Roll call vote, 100% voting aye. Auditor to assist Golf Course personnel with applications for JDA as another source of funds to pay off/down loan.


Regular Meeting called to order 8:04 P.M.

1. Changes made to agenda—Hole in 6th St.(Will be filled! Bill to homeowner as per ordinance.)

2. Motion by Feldman, second by Senum, to approve Sept. and Oct. minutes as corrected. Motion carried.

3. City Attorney Update: a) Will need an invoice of the playground equipment. b) Will not attend December’s meeting. c) Advised to proceed with demolition of condemned property.

4. Employee Report: a) Raw water intake pumps- 20 HP pumps were oversized. Ken to get breakdown of costs from ND Sewage Pump Co.; warranty should apply. b) Snowblower purchase- Ken recommended Alloway. Motion by Feldman, second by Carpenter, to purchase Alloway snowblower and new weights as quoted by Kittson Equipment. Roll call vote 100% aye. c) Other items being looked at are a new polymer feeder pump, and Ken to get prices for Trade ‘N’ Post ditch.

5. Mayoral Update: a) Mayor appointed Melissa Graffe to fill council vacancy. Motion by Feldman, second by Burke, to approve recommendation. Motion carried 100% voting aye. Graffe was duly sworn in. b) Gary Helland volunteered to fill resigned post of Cemetery Board member Dallas Johnson. Motion by Senum, second by Carpenter, to approve Helland to Cemetery Board. Motion carried. c) Further discussion of retirements of Motl, Burton, Manley & Schafer. Plaques will be ordered. Auditor to handle a public open house. d) Mayor noted that his misc. mayor’s mail is available to the council, and Luis Rameriz is acting Fire Chief.

6. Aud/Adm. Update: a) Oct. General ledger, budget ratio, collections/disbursements and Nov. bills to be paid presented; financials approved as amended. b) Has contacted M Symington and city engineer to assist with inspection/valuation of buildings for insurance purposes.

7. Committee reports: a) Recreation Board: Oct. hayride was successful. Now planning for Santa Day Dec. 7. Looking for turkey donations. Melissa Grafe is drafting a master plan for Rec. Board organization. Plan to prioritize items in Jan. b)Growth: Waiting on business plan from Winnipeg manufacturer. Continuing efforts to contact Sand re: motel; are being made—he is on active duty. c)  Shade Tree: Grant work nearly complete. Will apply for funds.

8. Issues: Noted by mayor that master plans are important tools.

9. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 9:55 p.m.



By: Warren Hillukka, Mayor


Attested to: K. Johnson, City Aud/Adm.