City Office
152 West Rolette Street | Phone: (701) 825-6819 |
City Auditor: Teri Stoiber
Public Works Superintendent: Greg Koropatnicki
City Council:
Meets the second Monday of each month, with Public Hearings beginning at 6 p.m. at the City Office.
Mayor: Mike Fitzgerald
Council President: Jeff Watts
Council VP: Allen Huttunen
Council: Connor Snitker
Council: Ken Norby
Council: Keith Needham
Council: Sherri Carattini
Library Board:
Jennifer Martin| Kayla Schiltz| Marcy Cleem | Gretta Ohmann | Allen Huttunen | Jeff Watts
Librarians: Marcy Cleem, Ashley Schafer, Gretta Ohmann, Melissa Kemp
Story Hour Coordinator: Marcy Cleem
School Librarian: Zelda Hartje
Cemetery Board:
Kris Wilwand | Doug Finney | Sharryn Finney | Charles Hart | Jennifer Grube | Cathy Degelder | Lisa Hall | Mike Fitzgerald | Connor Snitker
Recreation Board:
Mike Fitzgerald| Allen Huttunen| Brenda Maslowski | Deann O'Hara | Ashley Schafer | Justine Gruenberg
Ice Rink Committee:
Ronda Warner | Jennifer Krom | Shannon Cosley | Alan Albrecht | Tara Emerson | Lisa Hall | Allen Huttunen
4th of July Committee:
Donna Burton | Deanna Hager | Nicki Elfstrom | Kim Kemp | Sheila Hartje | Matt Chale | Staci McMaster | Brenda Maslowski | Pat Burton
Airport Authority:
Mark Hatloy | John Fowler | Terry Nord | Jeff Watts | Greg Koropatnicki
Growth Committee:
Darcy Reis, Chairperson | Allen Huttunen |Kathy Johnson | Dan Anderson | Mason Peters | Debi Stainbrook
**Mayor and Auditor are non-voting members**
Building, Zoning and Industry:
Jeff Watts | Ken Norby | Connor Snitker
Streets, Water and Sewer:
Greg Koropatnicki | Ken Norby | Mike Fitzgerald
Fire Department:
Fire Chief: Blaine Eisenbeis
Fire Assistant Chief: Aimee Eisenbeis
Captains: Matt Chale and Cody Carpenter
Secretary/Treasurer: Aimee Eisenbeis
Assessment Committee:
Chad Cosley | Blaine Eisenbeis
Police and Personnel Committee:
**Committee of whole governing body**
Community Center and Office:
Greg Koropatnicki
Mayor Mike Fitzgerald | Pat Burton | Jeff Watts | Debi Stainbrook
Allen Huttunen