
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

Minutes of May 12, 2008 Public Hearings and

Public Hearings – 6 p.m.

Present – Mayor Hillukka, John Feldman, Debbie Stanhope, Nancy Thompson, and Bev Burke.

Also –Auditor Johnson, John & Lola Kirby, Mike & Karin Ohmann, Steve Griffith, Betty & Dan Pelletier.

Public hearings held. No contest to Ohmann’s conditional use request. John & Lola Kirby presented Kirby’s Restaurant. Pelletiers questioned the variance for Griffith. Issue clarified.

City Council Meeting:

Attendance: Mayor Warren Hillukka Council: Beverly Burke, John Feldman, Nancy Thompson, Debbie Stanhope. Absent: Kyle Dorion

Present: PWS Ken Norby, Attorney Neil Fleming, Aud./Adm. Kathy Johnson, City Engineer Dan Johnson

Others Present: Rich Kemmis, Mcguire Iron; George Christianson, Jason Tryan

Public Hearing called to order @ 7 p.m.

· Representatives from the Pembina Golf Club presented questions about the bill of sale for the clubhouse building. Questions being resolved, the bill of sale was signed.

· Kemmis responded to issues from water tower repair. Committed to fixing the flashing.

Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Hillukka at 7:30.

1. Changes made to agenda: add audit proposals, four wheelers & golf carts, vacant buildings

2. Motion by Feldman, second by Thompson to approve April minutes as corrected. Motion carried unanimously.

3. City Attorney Update: a) Golf Course building sale complete. b) GSA Contract –teleconference will be held. c) Liquor license ordinance needs updating. Fleming to review.

4. Employee Report: a) Goals/priorities reviewed. b) Hydrant near Chale’s broken. Price is $2,200 to purchase a new one with an additional $600 for installation parts. c) Ken presented a price quote to replace the CORPS pump, and recommended looking at replacing the Ford tractor.

d) Council recommends repairing streets with cement and a 2 to 4 inch layer of asphalt when possible. Motion by Thompson, second by Stanhope to approve the county’s bid for crack sealing. Motion carried unanimously.

5. Mayoral Update: a) Community Center – contractors feel the project is on schedule.

City Council meeting recessed. City Tax Equalization Meeting Reconvened from April 8:

- Motion by Feldman, second by Burke to approve the abated value of lots 1&2, block 13. Motion carried unanimously. Equalization meeting adjourned. City Council meeting reconvened.

6. Aud./Admin. Update: a) April financials reviewed and approved. Transfers accepted as corrected.

b) May bills reviewed and approved. c) Motion by Feldman, second by Burke, to accept the H. Rotunda proposal for 2005/06 audit. Motion carried unanimously. d) Motion by Thompson, seconded by Feldman, to accept the applications of Jason Margerum and Kyle Defoe for the summer help positions. Motion carried unanimously. Office assistant position will be advertised. e) Motion by Feldman, second by Burke, to expand the Tax Increment Finance District to include all property west of 6th Street. Voting aye: Burke, Feldman, Stanhope, Thompson. Voting Nay: none. Absent and not voting: Dorion. Motion carried. Resolution attached.

7. Committee Reports: a) Engineer Johnson reported the company could start the mapping project in 60 to 90 days. Motion by Feldman, second by Thompson to approve this project. Motion carried unanimously.

b) Growth Cmte: Cemetery/Legion request for grant funds. Motion by Feldman, second by Stanhope, to approve a grant of $800 for cemetery markers. Motion carried, 100% voting aye.

c) Building/Zoning: Motion by Thompson, second by Stanhope to approve the Ohmann request for conditional use permit. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Stanhope, second by Thompson, to accept the variance request for Griffith. Motion carried unanimously.

d) Tax Committee – Motion by Feldman, second by Burke, to approve a tax exemption of 60% for year 1, 40% year 2, and 20% year 3 for the Ohmann warehouse. Motion carried unanimously.

e) Rec. Board – No girls softball team due to low numbers.

f) Landfill – no meeting held yet.

8. New Issues – a) Four wheelers and golf carts, motor bikes – Not street worthy. Put notice in paper!

b) Vacant buildings – Thompson to review this ordinance.

9. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 10 p.m.

By: Mayor Warren Hillukka

Attested to: Kathy Johnson, Auditor/Administrator